Long Sword – Knights Trust
Long Sword – Knights Trust
Tuesday, December 4, 2012 - 18:20
Art Type:
Long/Bastard sword - The Knights Trust.
by Quandtum
Released under license is CC-0
Blend contains two objects (same base mesh):
1.) Object named "Sword.LoPoly" setup for low poly use.
2.) Object named "Sword.HiPoly" setup for high poly use. It's the same mesh as "Sword.LoPoly" only with a "subsurf" and "edge split" modifier.
Objects were posed for display render, don't forget to clear location & rotation.
Maps included (Diffuse, Normal, Specular and Ambient) are all 1024×1024 jpg and can be rescaled to suit specific needs (game models maybe want to scale them to 512×512).
Base mesh is manifold and has 470 vertices, 960 edges and 492 faces.

This thing is freakin' beautiful. Thank you for making it, and for the very permissive license as well!
Hey, glad you like it!