Loyalty LIes Items - Town Props

Loyalty LIes Items - Town Props


Some random items meant to be used with the villagers in market or castle sences. A veggie cart, some firewood, a set of clay pots, etc... You might be able to animate the torch, but the game engine I originally used just swapped the pictures out every few seconds (so it doesn't have enough frames to be a nice smooth animation).


Around ten years ago now, I tried to use a game engine to make an RPG by myself. I spent hundreds of hours on it, but I never did finish it.  I haven't lost interest, but my skillset has changed. I don't really do pixel work anymore, I do flash and 3d instead. Considering that, it seems silly not to share these and see if anyone else can figure out what to use them for. If you want to find other stuff I made for the same project, look for "Loyalty Lies" ;)

(If you are curious about the sizing and colours I chose, they were made to work with the Well of Souls game engine. To put them up here, I made them transparent PNGs instead... but do what you need to make them work for your game.)

Attribution Instructions: 
This work should be attributed to Heather Lee Harvey, if possible I would also like a link to EmeraldActivities.com & http://opengameart.org/users/emerald
items_townProps.png items_townProps.png 17.6 Kb [479 download(s)]