Currently I am learning 3D modeling. I started creating a modular level piece by piece.
It is a sewerage system based on this
Currently it is still in what I like to call experimental phase, there are other pieces that I need to do in order to complete the set, I decided to upload these as a way to give back to this awesome community. I hope that whoever uses this likes it and hopefully I can also get some pointers here and there, so that I can improve my skills.
UV- Unwrap is off in some areas, I am working on fixing that too.
All normals are looking inwards. These are not meant to be seen from outside when they are in game. I tested them in Unity and they look nice... I mean coming from an amateur, that is.
EDIT: Probably this week I will be working in a new set of pieces, like going diagonal and up and down. The unwrap and the texturing I tried my best, but please be aware I am still a beginner, so I have much to learn. I do hope you guys have use for them.
Later on I will also attemp to add a normal map.
EDIT 2: Finally updated the screenshots. Added a normal map. Went OCD and try to make the pieces as reusable as possible, at some points here and there you will have to rotate the pieces in order to get the proper alignment. I haven't figure out why this is happening, I will keep doing my research. I am going to start (finally) working on new pieces for this set and also in a new set.
I will also get a website up and running, you know so that I can be important and stuff.
EDIT 3: Retouched the models to make them more modular. Applied a cube projection mapping and a single brick texture. Added a long awaited slope piece, now the sewer would more interesting. I tried making the pieces as seamless as possible, it should work with any kind of brick texture as long as it is seamless.
Will try the unwrap again with baking, I want to add more interesting things to it.
Texture I included was taken from

they looking good, for I have a couple of sewers areas in my game on two different worlds, and they would be perfect for that. You done a good job in doing the basic shape of the sewer tunnels, Only thing they need now is some bricks inserts on the sides of the tunnels or grooves, to give the tunnels more 3d depth once you are inside the tunnels..
Are you going to maka piece of sewer tunnel that also slopes the tunnel uphill or downhill? This would allow us to create a 3d sewer system with more than one level of tunnels... Yes a longer tunnel piece does needs to be made.
Honestly, the slope pieces thing didn't even cross my mind. I think it is a fantastic idea. I will give it a go. Will take me a bit to complete those pieces, but I will try to make them really cool.
I think Most people think in Linear terms from getting from point a to point b, when it comes to making tunnels and stuff, and that's probably why it didn't cross your mind at the time to make Corner pipes with diagonal pipes for walking upward or down levels of the sewer system as well, but when I write a game, I like making games that are multi-dimensional as I'm doing a space sci fi combat story line driven rpg game and looking for models that will suit the game. Why? Because I'm not a 3d modeler so if any 3d modeler wants to makes stuff for my game they will be credited. because of the type of game I'm making, a big large space game that covers many different worlds, I have got a hell of alot of stuff to try to find to construct the worlds in, have to build the interior of the space ship as well as make all the different worlds. That's why I come on here looking for assets that I can use. Currently looking for a space pilot chair at the moment because the file I have one in which I got from a free modeling web site was in the old *. MAX format and blender dosen't even have a MAX plugin to import unfortunately, it only has the newer 3ds plugin instead for importing 3ds studio max files. so I couldn't import it into blender and then export it into fbx for unreal to use it as a result because I don't have 3ds studio max or maya. just blender.
Do you know anything about Unreal Engine UDK?, I been trying to get my models in unreal editor to do stuff, but they are stuck in their defaut t-poses at the moment because I don't know how to animate them....Because I'm not doing the random spawn bots, but using imported custom models. but you have to set up a custom pawn script for them somehow and this I don't know how to do and when I look at the tutorials on you tube, they are all about changing your main player custom pawn script or scripting spawn bots... And because of this, this is alot more harder than I thought just to try to animate these 3d models once you import them into the unreal editor. So I'm stuck on that....
Do you know the 3d cat that shows up on the Blender Splash Screen a while back I think it was ver 2.3? Fishy Cat its known as. Well the author of that model has allowed me to use the cat in my game, which I decided to use it as an alien pet on Telos and decided to call it a Leonix. (The game I'm scripting up is known as Tesseract Prime Offworlds the Unknown Universe, it has no relation at all to the Telos planet that exists in the star wars universe but this Telos is part of the tesseract prime universe so its a completly different world.)..... My game does not contain the star wars universe in it.
This cat will has cloaking abilities, and you can buy it as a pet for your ship but the only problem is the cat has only had just the head and neck mesh modeled for rendering in the blender splash scene, the body mesh hadn't even been modeled yet, so I also need to try to find the rest of the body for it so the cat can be rigged to walk around in the game on my space ship.
I work on sewers for a living, so I've been very tempted to create something like this. Maybe I'll expand on this set some day... but don't hold me to it. ;)
I have a million rats in one sewer in my game, the sewer network is huge, encompasses undereath all the city. many tunnels, easy to get lost in
I am trying to get my hands on unwrapping. As I practice I will be updating this set. If you have any suggestions. Let me know. Screenshots are on their way.
Made a few modifications to the unwrap and gave a texture. Overall design is improving little by little. The texture I uploaded is mostly a place holder one as more things are going to be added to this set.
First off, I apologize for the delay. Second, finally I added a slope piece to the sewer, I retouched here and there and now it should be more modular, I hope this fits your needs. If you have any feedback, let me know.