$12256 / $11500
This submission is an attempt at reimagining OpenAlchemist, a simple puzzle game, as an NES/Famicom title.
What's interesting about this game is that, at the start, the player only sees three different pieces, all just being recolors of a single piece -- but they can open new pieces by combining the old ones. A developer is likely to sneak some "easter egg" pieces at the end -- which would only be found by the most experienced players.
It includes:
It doesn't (yet^W ever) include:
Nice. Very convincing.
Funny, I was just looking into learning NES assemby and making games for it as a hobby. is this a sign sent from gnu/god?
I have been shown the one true path, developing free software for an 80s gaming system!
Alchemy Quest now exists.
Looks awesome! I'll check it out when I get the time.