Orc Pieces
Orc Pieces
Monday, September 2, 2013 - 19:40
Art Type:
Here's an orc character I drew up in Inkscape that I was planning to use for a game. Decided to go with a different style so I'm releasing this to OGA :D
Took a bit of inspiration from http://opengameart.org/content/sideview-character-updated-orc
I'd love to see someone animate this or use it in a game!

It's nice to see the edit I did inspire you to try your own version. I would suggest trying to keep the proportions a little better [upper arms and thighs are too short and will cause problems when animating]. Also keep the lighting consistent - the darker bit ontop of the orcs head is a little odd.
Have a look at the update I just posted. I did some quick cleaning up and added some animations [idle and run].
Thanks for the tips! You're right about the proportions being a little weird.
Side note like many others I've found your tutorials a great help in developing some basic inkscape proficiency so thanks a lot for those!