


A light and uplifting electronic track good perhaps for space exploration, incidental music, or a hopeful revelation. It just might also make you feel better.


v1.1 (recommended) - Added more highlights and voices from "Planetrise LEO" per request

LEO is effectively v1.1 without the percussion, for those seeking a more serene balance.

Attribution Instructions: 
Please credit me as FoxSynergy. If you don't mind sharing, I'd really love to know about what you're using it in. Most of all, have fun! :)
Planetrise v1_0.mp3 Planetrise v1_0.mp3 7.6 Mb [362 download(s)]
Planetrise v1_0.wav Planetrise v1_0.wav 34.7 Mb [162 download(s)]
Planetrise v1_0.ogg Planetrise v1_0.ogg 3.1 Mb [227 download(s)]
Planetrise_v1_1.mp3 Planetrise_v1_1.mp3 5 Mb [355 download(s)]
Planetrise_LEO.wav Planetrise_LEO.wav 34.7 Mb [131 download(s)]