TA WatchSpider
TA WatchSpider
Sunday, May 1, 2011 - 01:34
Art Type:
A prototype "wristwatch" clockwork spider created primarily for the Tempest in the Aether project.
- Basic Diffuse texture, UVW map, and a crude bump-map (PNG)
- 3DS Max Scene-file (version 9) rigged with Character Animation Toolkit.
- Exported .OBJ / .MTL files for use with other 3D programs
It's a rather rough low-poly model, and could probably use some love from normal- and spec-maps. A larger version of the preview image may be seen here.
*Disclaimer: the "clock face" shown on his back in the preview has been changed in the texture file, due to copyrighted reference images. The final texture is fair game across the board.

Nice one Kieve
Very cool!
Is there a fbx of this so I can take snapshots of it in unity? Or maybe a few png frames of it animating for 2d purposes?