The Blob (Ultimate Smash Friends)

The Blob (Ultimate Smash Friends)


This is The Blob, a character created for Ultimate Smash Friends and loosely based on one of their previous characters.  He can ooze around, shapeshift, and pretty much whatever else he likes.  Loads of fun to animate.  Enjoy!  Note that he comes both in pinapple (the green is a clever disguise) and delicious mercury flavors.

If you use this, be sure to link back to this site, (this is part of the attribution for cc-by).  Also, contacting me would be awesome, because I'd really love to see what you do.


This work was commissioned by Open Game Art.

blobsheet_0.bmp blobsheet_0.bmp 1.1 Mb [4880 download(s)]
superjelly_sheet.bmp superjelly_sheet.bmp 1.2 Mb [3833 download(s)]