Undead Weapon Set and Weapon Rack
Undead Weapon Set and Weapon Rack
Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - 11:22
Art Type:
This set is based of Clint Bellanger's Kingdom weapon set:
However, instead of leather and steel, this set is made of wood and bone, instead of smooth lines, this set has sharp pointy bits and skulls everywhere, just as the dark gods intended. And just when you thought it couldn't get any more awesome, the whole set is presented on a stylish weapon rack made out of a human spine. How black is that?!?
\m/^_^\m/ rock on you undead legends! \m/^_^\m/
This set was made for Open Dungeons, if you use it for something else I'd love to hear about it! :)

I'll have to replace skeletons' sword :P. Nice work ! I'll use this set in my game, for sure.
:D is it possible for GNU/GPL 3? pretty please :D
Any chance to put CC-BY 3.0 license? this art is amazing.