war axe [64x64]
war axe [64x64]
Tuesday, June 5, 2012 - 23:08
Art Type:
in honor of my axe-lover berserker girlfriend
ps: whew! upload all this takes a long work, i'm seriously thinking about start to post "single-file sheets"....

Good work, i hope you can draw some helmets, boots and gloves to complete a rpg icon set.
Great work! Wow that's a lot of PNG files. I don't suppose it would be too much to ask for a ZIP or RAR file instead of a wall of PNG files? Thanks.
I know it's a lot of work to redraw stuff but since you were so kind to make these graphics I wonder if you'd be willing to make another version that's offset by 45 degrees? I'd love to make this into a set of LPC axe weapons.
Thanks for these, and thanks for the CC0 license!