Weapons [64x64]
Weapons [64x64]
Saturday, August 4, 2012 - 07:50
Art Type:
Some weapons I drawed last month, and i couldn't post cause i had a problem with my internet link....
internet back to normal, let's go to the very important stuff......

i have to say that katana has the perfect size, shape and style for my HD characters. thank you very much!
Hi mate,
Would you be interested in doing art like this and get paid for small projects?
We like your art, it looks like you are inspired from games like Tibia.
Send me an email to thepathgames@gmail.com if you are interested.
Best regards
These look great! Thanks so much!
Added your axes to my CC0 Axe Icons.
...& your spear & trident to my CC0 Polearm Icons.
My pleasure! You are wellcome!
Added your swords to CC0 Sword Icons: