Wooden Weapon Training Set

Wooden Weapon Training Set


Are your footsoldiers terrible fighters?  Are they defeated by even the simplest rat quests?  Do they accidentally kill each other while sparring? 

 Have no fear, what you need is weapons, lots and lots of weapons. 

At OGA we have a solution to all your minion training needs, our fabulous wooden weapon pack will have your whimpy grunts training like real soldiers in no time. Featuring a wide variety of commonly used medieval weapons, there is something for all tastes here. We have axes, hammers, short swords, long swords, staffs, crossbows and even polearms for those really hard to reach mobs. Act now and recieve a free set of high quality low poly wooden weapon racks in our delux full cache set! How much i hear you ask? Well all this can be yours for one easy payment of $0!  Thats right, since we pay our artists in medals and favourites, we can pass the savings directly on to you, our loyal customers!   

*warning: may contain sharp edges and/or splinters, call a medic immediately if swallowed.*


This set is based of Clint Bellanger's excelent Kingdom weapon set:


 The wood texture is based off a photo by Titus Tscharntke from Burningwell.org

 These weapons are ultra simplified shapes with few sharp edges and none of the the smooth lines of the kingdom set.  They are designed as training weapons for sparring and for children to play with, and would be useless in actual combat. 

 Since I simplified the designs so much, I got the entire set down to 416 faces, so these could well be considered very low poly.

These were designed for Open Dungeons, to go with this weapon rack:


If you find another use for them, I'd love to hear about it! :)

weapon_set_wood.blend weapon_set_wood.blend 956.4 Kb [823 download(s)]
weapon_set_wood_full_cache.blend weapon_set_wood_full_cache.blend 11.1 Mb [421 download(s)]