Zombie Survivor
Zombie Survivor
Friday, March 30, 2012 - 13:55
Art Type:
A rigged model of a zombie survivor I made to learn BMesh and Sculptris. Includes a shotgun and revolver models.
The face is based on Aneta photo's reference from 3d.sk
The body is modified from these, by Julius : http://opengameart.org/content/low-poly-base-meshes-male-female
The rig is basic, but passable for BGE work. There are some weight errors.
3031 faces total.
All the textures should be packed.
The shoulder holster has constraints set up to allow rigidbody simulation in the BGE. Enable these under the bone constraints for the bones: holster.L and holster.R. The files contains some animations used to test this feature.

nice base mesh usage!
Cool... this is why I made the base meshes. I hope the horrible shoulder area of my female basemesh wasn't too much of a hassle.
I have actually an almost fixed version on my harddrive... maybe I will uplod a fixed version later today.
Edit: Uploaded an updated version of the female base. Face is also much updated.
Nice work.
Could you create some zombies for her to shoot?
I'm glad you guys like it.
@Julius: The shoulder didn't give me any trouble, but I didn't do any heavy modeling in that area.
@Anonymous: Maybe during my summer break I'll wrap things up and make some zombies.
To also have the original base mesh, and to see it transformed into this is truly inspiring, and maddening. Wish I had your skills!
Hi, just came here to let you know that I'm using this model as placeholder art in my isometric zombie survival game, Rather Be Dead.
You can see more here: http://ratherbe.de/ad
It's a great model, thanks :)
@ Anon: That's great to see this being used! Thank's for letting me know, and good luck on your project!