Android game done exclusively with OGA assets! (free)
Android game done exclusively with OGA assets! (free)
Hello everyone!
I recently posted that me and a fellow programmer were going to do a Game Jam without artists. We had some issues streaming, but we did record the process. I took us 15 hours to finish the game, it was fueled by nothing but love for games, coffee and mushroom pizza!
Basically ALL the assets in the game are from OGA, except for some sounds which we got from the Free Sound archive.
In the credits we have the respective attributions to the artists.
This project was done for fun, but also to show fellow programmers that if you don't know how to do art or if you don't have an artist friend, it shouldn't stop you from doing your game!
The game is Muulore's Quest, it's free for Android, without any in-app purchases. It has 4 worlds, 4 bosses, 20 levels, and 4 spells that you learn as you play.
Check it out if you have time. Whenever we upload the video of us working on the game, I'll make sure to share it with you guys, this way you can see all the process and code we used. If you're a beginner you will see how we did different gameplay mechanics and how we integrated different things, so hopefully it will be helpful to you.
Thanks to all the contributors in OGA, without you this wouldn't have been possible!
Just wanted to say that this is a great idea and I hope you had a lot of fun ^^
2DPIXX - Game Art and Design by Jana Ochse