Dungeon Tactics
Dungeon Tactics
Here is my LPC entry, Dungeon Tactics.
Dungeon Tactics is a skirmish role playing game featuring retro graphics and unique gameplay.
One month is not a lot of time to build a game. I decided early on that my aim would be to focus on a single core gameplay mechanic and ensure that mechanic was the most fun and most polished it could possibly be. At the same time I decided on using a distinct hybrid 3d environment in order to visually differentiate my project from other lpc entries.
My secondary goal was to create a simplistic reuseable engine that could easily be refactored to support any genre or art assets. It was designed to be easily modifiable, not just for programmers but for anyone in the community. All game logic is scripted in well commented plain text files, and all game data can be easily edited using built in GUI editing tools.
In my opinion the LPC is an opportunity to build more then just a game, but rather to build a community; something that can be used by lots of people to build lots of games, to be freely shared and enjoyed by people all over the world for ages to come. I can only hope my contribution will provide the Free Software movement with some ammusement.
Download is available at dungeon-tactics.com and indiedb.com/games/dungeon-tactics.
Sorce repo is at sourceforge.net/projects/xenosengine, dungeon tactics will be in the sample modules directory.
I loved the look of this game, well done!
Updated the website with the downloads, submitted the source package to the LPC. Hopefully it was accepted.
Now it is time for a shower and a nap. Good Luck everyone! ^^
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG
So yesterday I made a windows installer and put it on the indiedb page for Dungeon tactics.
It is currently tracking at Rank 45 of 7,480, with 1,169 Visits.
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG
Any chance of Linux binaries being available on the download page? I'm not squeamish about building from source, but I am incredibly lazy..
I really like the look of the screenshots, and can't wait to try it!
*Edit: Works flawlessly for me in Wine (v1.2.2, running on Ubuntu 10.04). Only played the first level so far, and I'm already hooked - great game!
My project: Bits & Bots
Hmmm... the installer didn't seem to work for me on WINE. It says it can't open default.lua. Maybe I didn't install/run it correctly?
To run the game you need to invoke xenos engine using a command line option with the name of the module, like "xenos.exe dungeontactics".
The installer should have created a shortcut link with the options in the install directory.
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG
Hey Xhrit! I wrote a somewhat long review of your game! http://k3rnel.net/2012/08/17/lpc-game-review-dungeon-tactics/
I couldn't get it to compile the game though not for lack of trying. To fix the configure error, I copypasted the configure script into a blank gedit window, and now configure works.
make was complaining about a folder named .deps which I'm unfamiliar with. Am I supposed to compile every library you listed first?
I noticed you also included a kdevelop file, however I couldn't get kdevelop4 to open it, nor codeblocks, on Linux. Any tips? I'd really like to package this game engine formally, as it's one of the games I've enjoyed the most :-)
I have no clue what .deps is honestly. Xenos was developed on slackware 10.2 using Kdevelop 3, ported to Windows XP using Code::Blocks 10.05 shortly after, and I have not done much of anything with it since then. If I recall correctly slack10 uses kdev3, so you might need to import the project files instead of opening it directly.
As to your other questiom xenos does unfortunately require a huge number of dependencies to be compiled first, which are currently not intergrated in the most optimal manner. As it is right now is everything is compiled into the xenos executable, when ideally it should only be the core objects and each engine sub component should be a seperate lib - xaudio.so, xnet.so, etc...
The following diagram is not even a complete list; each open source lib has itself numerous sub dependencies; for example irrlicht relies on glut and zlib; I am pretty sure I included it all in my tarbell of doom, but I may have missed something. I dont know if that will work, maybe screencap the error make spits out and post it so I can see?
I am fairly sure that I am the only person on the face of the world who has managed to actually compile this engine, which is why I have not yet upgraded my linux machine since the xenos project was started way back in 2007. I am rooting for you to get it working tho, since as soon as someone does I will upgrade to that newfangled slackware 13 with Kde 4.
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG
Although you mention LPC, a link back to LPC or OGA would be nice on the IndieDB page.
Also esoteric engine :)
Sure thing! I just changed the text on the Dungeon Tactics indiedb page to have the same hyperlink configuration as the homepage.
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG
this seems to have so much potential, if promotionable classes (with different equipment and weapons), intermission shops and different dungeons where added this would turn out to be a big and great game
Yes, by stripping down the project to it's core mechanics it provided a very obtainable goal for the contest and a clear roadmap for future enhancements. The focus of the next version is the campaign system with support for multiple map types, story dialog, and a quest hub.
The new map types will be randombly generated like the current dungeons are. Quest hubs will allow users to select specific adventures in different themed locations. Hubs also will have ammenities including weapon, armor, and consumable stores, mercenary halls and animal breeders to provide mobs for hire, class trainers to promote your characters to the next tier. In hub campaigns you will return to the hub after you clear an entire dungeon, or if you move all of your characters to your start area. This will give players the opportunity to exit a dungeon and restock or equip different weapon and mob combinations.
The campaign system will also feature support for multiple campaigns. "Dungeon Tactics Classic" will play exactly the same as it is now, at least from a gameplay point of view. "Dungeon Tactics Advanced" will showcase all the new mechanics and classes.
A third campaign is in the works as well, tenetivily entitled "Cyber City SWAT". It will utilize scorpio's sci-fi sprite pack, and play as sort of a dystopian future battle between cybercops, mecha, and insane post apocalyptic street gangs...
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG
You might add an indicator for characters that can still do an action( If there isn't already).
I just started playing without reading anything, controls took some time to learn.
The game has a steep learning curve, but it plateaus rapidly. If a player manages to finish the first level they will be able to clear the last, there is really nothing new to learn for the rest of the game. Aside from the level 5 skills that is. The mage's fireball is so ridiculously OP, and dangerous to everyone around. I don't know how many times my Mage accidently killed my Fighter but it was a lot!
Help tips would help, but I am not exactly convinced they are the way to go.
A tutorial level seems a but intrusive. I would rather flaten the curve by making the interface more intuitive.
I think signage above the start area would be great. I was thinking a big green "start" with an arrow pointing at the stairs. Also, it could only be displayed while no player mobs are deployed; once a user knows to click the stairs to deploy a mob it becomes redundant.
Action indicators are also a good idea. I have been playing around with a few options but nothing has really clicked so far... I will try a yellow arrow over selected unit, and make the targeting reticule change to out arrows on friendly mobs, in arrows on hostile, and the arrows themselves will be solid for ready and hollow for done. That might work...
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG
You have some nice plans there, but are the LPC that good as to portrait the character changes? for example, you put an iron plate on your warrior, will it show only the plate or will he become fully armored at the instant?. The first case migth be quite interesting equipment wise
New version of Dungeon Tactics is out. You can get it on the official site or the indiedb page. No new content, but tons of useability enhancements. Check it out, tell me what you think!
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG
Just uploaded Dungeon Tactics version 1.2 to indiedb and the official website.
This release adds sound effects and music, fixes some bugs, tightens up some graphics and adds some new mechanics to streamline gameplay. Try it out, tell me what you think!
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG
Dungeon Tactics version 1.4 is almost ready, but I've decided to delay the release an additional week to flesh out the story and dialog system a bit more. This new patch adds basically everything that anyone has ever asked to be in the game. A tutorial, a plot, town to sell stuff at, savegames, more maps, more classes, etc, etc. It is huge.
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG
This game is fleshing out really well, cant wait to see where it goes; Just one petition, please dont make it "save the world against something generacally evil"
@Danimal Interesting that you say that. Is saving the world against something generically evil too cliche for it to appeal to anyone nowadays? I know everyone has their own opinions but I'm really interested in yours.
What about having a good character turn into an evil one because of a certain event? Will that count as something "generically evil?" For example, Good Guy defends the world from evil forces but because of his tremendous power, the people that he saved feared him and branded him as an abomination of nature. Everyone stayed away from him and some even tried to kill him in his sleep. Then at some point, a beautiful lady saw that he was no danger to anyone and falls in love with him. The lady is then killed by an assassin because she was with him. Now Good Guy turns into Evil Guy consumed and blinded by rage and begins to destroy the world. Is the above a good introduction and basis for the plot? I know that it is not original but would such a story appeal to you? I am interested in what people think because I'm in the process of creating the main plot of my game.
Well... im sorry to say its cliche, but nowadays everything have been tried... hard to be original, can i propose to you something a bit different?
Lets say you are a group of slaves(captured on some battle or just delicuents), and its your turn on the arena (good time for a tutorial), the local lord, who is cold and cruel but not really evil (do you know of the patrician from ank-morphok in discworlds books?) saw you are good figthers and he could use someone to do some dirty work, be it monster hunting, killing a rebel noble or saving a princess. So as long as you do what he wants, you get to keep your head over your shoulders.
You can insert loads of zany humour in there while being somewhat serious (nothing better than a despotic ruler), since, as the game progress you can see by the missions something is going wrong with the world, since its not normal that when you go to an old people retirement place to get their taxes a horde of squeletons appear to greet you.
Something in the way of being really reluctant heroes, who would rather run away than save the world, but they are far more scared of their lord than from a charging archdevil.
This would make the game more satirical than anything, but if you can write some good script it would be ten times more interesting than your normal "save the world from the evil". "The bards tale" is a really good example, or just this flash game can give you an idea:
Thank you Danimal.
I definitely like the Bard's Tale.
So in short, instead of having to play out a grand adventure of "saving the world", you get to choose what you do. I know that's not quite what you are saying but I know what you mean.
We will see what xhrit came up with for the plot. I, for one, am very interested.
i would like to know it as soon as it comes out
The plot I have come up with for Dungeon Tactics Episode 1 is very complex. It is a tragedy in the classical sense, and the story does start off extremly cliche. Then it rapidly subverts all it's tropes in the most darkest and brutal manner possible. Some of the themes I touch on are loyalty and betrayal, war, greed, racisim, religious intolerance, sacrifice, self sacrifice, human sacrifice, mythology v.s. religion, political manipulation, brainwashing, nature v.s. nuture, free will v.s destiny, love v.s lust, unrequited love, grief and loss.
Dispair, hopelessness, anguish. murder, genocide, suicide.
You know, the fun stuff.
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG
Sounds good ;D , just remember not to drown people in pages after pages of text
Dungeon Tactcis 1.4 is now available.
Version 1.4 Change Log
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG
cant download, the gamefront link is broken
Indiedb was having some issues. The link on the official website should work tho.
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG
Ok, i played it for a while, so here is some feedback:
* Regarding non combat:
- Menus are too little, most of the screen is empty
- when i recruit a class i dont know anything about them, make a small description screen (ok, mage, monk, are self explicative, but what difference is there between a knigth and figther? a small bio screen would be good, showing attacks or available equipment)
- Healing one by one is boring, make a heal all button.
-Town background, not really important on an aplha, but it adds a lot, if license problems are cleared this one would be killer:
* Combat system:
I know you made improvements but some things still are unconfortable to use:
- Map extension VS character size, i know this one is very hard to correct, but the characters are very small comparated to the map, they barely use any of the space allocated to them (their cell) which gives the impresion of big empty terrain, either reduce standart cell size or making the characters bigger would be my advice.
- Turn system: is based on some kind of character iniciative, rigth? when you field four or more of them is very difficult to know who can move again. Some kind of indication of who can move would be nice (a green arrow over them or crossed swords, something... ) or who has moved. Other method would be for the game to automatically jump to the next able to move character and put an icon over his head so you dont lost track of it.
-Following said above, the command menus are uncomfortable to use, i think it should be cannon that once you click on a ready character, the move option will kick in by defect (no need to click on its button menu), and maybe the game should do a check after moving to see if something can be attacked, and automatically enter attack mode.
-Another problem is the combat menu location, having to move the mouse to the corner of the screen each time you use an option is annoying, could be partially solved by what i wrote above. But another kind of solution would be good (hotkeys or wasd + space/enter) or just make menu appear beside the clicked character so there is no need to cruise the whole screen.
Thats is all of what i think needs to improve, of course i know its an alpha, but trust me i wouldnt have written so much if i didnt like what i was playing. Its just that i have played so many tactics games already, that i can give a few pointers to make this even better. Cheers and keep the good work.
Good feedback. Excellent observations; you are spot on everything but the inititative system. It uses a unique "phased activation sequence". It is complex, but the single most awesome feature of Dungeon Tactics.
A match is divided into turns.
During a single turn all units will activate once.
Each turn is divided into phases.
Each phase is divided into rounds which alternate between players.
During a player's phase they can activate a set number of units.
Units may activate in any order.
Each player gets the same number of phases each turn, but the number of activations per phase may differ depending on the number of units each player has.
The number of each activations is adjusted each phase to keep the number of phases eac hplayer has equal.
Example 1: if player A has 10 units and player B has 5 then there will be 5 phases, during which player A will activate 2 units, while player B will activate 1.
Example 2: Both players have 10 units. Both players have 10 phases, each with 1 activation
Example 3: Player A has 10 units, player B has 2 units. There are 2 phases. Player A activates 5 units per phase, while player B activates 1.
This system was designed for multiplayer PvP and circumvents the main issues that other turn based systems suffer from. In IGOUGO the victor is often decided on the first dice roll, as the side that wins the inititative roll can effectivly attack the opponent force unhindered, often reducing it to below effective combat status before the controling player has a chance to make a single move. In stat based inititave systems high stat value units are often favored to the exclusion of all else, as the importance of moving and attacking first is considerable.In random inititave roll systems, a series of bad rolls can doom a player to the same fate as loosing an inititave roll in IGOUGO systems.
Also, it bypasses the main flaw if the IGOUGO system; taking your turn then going for a snak break because your opponent takes so long moving his entire force one unit at a time, checking range and line of sight to each enemy unit for every one... Dungeon Tactics PvP is going to have a speed chess style turn clock.
Hotkeys, yes.
Action state icons, yes. could go above unit head's with HP/SP bars
Detailed class descriptions in character creation; support exists but no copy was written
Heal all button in temple was supposed to be in this patch but ran out of time. I was already a week late!
Auto-move/ attack option, might be a good idea, but. I am thinking of moving to an action point system, where units get 2 ap per activation, and actions cost 1. so units can attack twice or move twice, or attack then move, or move then attack.
Map / characters sizes is a good point. we can play around with the ratio of character to tile.
Menu size / positions, yeah i know they are bad. the menu button system is a total hack, dropdown would be way better, but i am not that good at design so i am shoehornining the LPC graphics into places it really wasn't ment to be.
Background art is important too, which is why I hacked together the tower background for the town now, before when it was just a black screen it was unbearable. But again, production constraints, I suck at art. I will keep an eye out for free stuff to use, but the whole reason teh LPC started was because there wasnt much.
Oh well, one day I will go on a crusade against the color black and purge it from the game. In the meantime I have a lot of stuff to occupy my time with... ^^
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG
ok, editied. ^^
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG
OK! That is done, done, done, done, done and done.
Well maybe not all done; going to hold off on the menu and backgrounds for a while, but everything else (and then some) is finished.
Here is the checklist for 1.6 so far :
// 1.6
X) Action system revamp; units now have more options what they can do during their activations; they can now move and attack, attack and move, attack twice, or move twice.
X) Action state icons for Ready/Active/Done. Could be better but it works for now. Oh, and i should make a hotkey to toggle them on and off (they are useful but i hate screen clutter.)
X) Adjusted character graphics - character sprites are now 20% bigger
X) Added heal all button in temple.
X) Added keyboard shortcuts ( M for move, A to attack, W to wait, E to end turn, S for special, H for home base, space for rotate camera )
X) Detailed class descriptions in character creation. (could be better, w/ list of skills... but I want to make sure all skills work correctly first.)
X) Info box displays stats for mobs you hover over
X) Changed unit list so that just clicking on a reserve unit will deploy it
Going to spend the next two weeks revamping the skill system so that baddies can use their skillz, and if I have time I will add summons and status effect skills.
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG
That sure is a good impovement , good work!!
Aye, it does look a lot better. And it palys better too, the action system revamp literally made the game play twice as fast. Double move means you can get into combat earlier, as well as position your mobs better. And double attacks mean that once the battle starts, it end twice as fast...
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG
@xhrit: I'm really interested in your 'Turn Phases' system; I think it significantly contributes to the balance in PvP games.
Aye! I have been testing the system in pvp IRL, with dice.
The core ruleset was developed over years of playing tabletop games like Warhammer /40k, Starwars Miniatures Battles, Dungeons and Dragons Miniatures, Battletech, Space Crusade, etc, etc. The things that I think most inspired it is the way the 'reaction' system in Starship Troopers Miniatures played, and the wierd turn track they had in Starfleet Battles.
When I coded the action system revamp, I also cleaned up everything for multiplayer. Once I get everything in-game working I will add the Arena.
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG
Version 1.6 is out.... tell me what you think.
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG
version 1.6 404s for me on both source and windows downloads. others download just fine
oo, again with the mistakes uploading.
it is fixed now.
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG
So I have almost finished the new streamlined user interface fo rDungeon Tactics. A huge amount of research went into the design and it has been a huge development effort to implement, but it was totally worth it from a gameplay perspective. Everything is much easier to navigate, and the options available to the user are presented in a much more straightforward manner.
The revamped mob info panel now shows allied unit icons along the left hand side of the screen and opponent unit icons on the right side. This change combines home base and unit list functionality with the info panel. In addition the support menu functions have been combined with the turn indicator. So, that is five discrete interface elements that have been combined into two.
The other major interface change is the removal of the Disgaea style stat block in favor of a Tekken inspired opposing health bar system. This pushes a lot of the game's numerical complexity out of sight, and while the statistical data is still available it is not nearly as overwhelmingly prevalent in the design.
The interface overhaul is only one of 4 major features in the new version. In addition there is also the attribute overhaul to increase mob and item variation, the Character development overhaul which flattens the vertical model to allow for more horizontal progression, and the revampped loot system which gives the user more control over the rewards receaved.
I'll post more when I have it...
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG
Hi xhrit,
I wondered, have you got a repository one can follow?
This game is epic and actually just fill a big hole in my own free game wishlist. :D
Best regards,
Whoa man, i was wondering if you have dropped the project, and then you return with lots of improvements. Good work here.
I just updated the game's indiedb page with info about some more changes in the next version.
Check it out, tell me what you think!
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG
you are steadily improving everything, im very interested in the next release, but i dont understant well how xp is used to level characters
It is a bit like the original Diablo; characters do not level automatically anymore. Instead, once you have enough exp to level a character up a button will appear on their character sheet that when clicked will allow you to spend exp and level up that character. The main difference is when your characters do stuff to earn exp, the points are put into a shared exp pool, and can then be spent on any character in your party, not just the one specific character that earned it.
Everyone still earns exp, and everyone still levels, it is just they do not carry around their own exp, in the same way they do not carry around their own gold. If a character picks up a gold coin they throw it into the shared party gold coin pool and that gold can be spent on any character; now the same thing happens to exp. If a character earns exp the point is thrown into a shared exp pool and can be spent on any character.
Let's say for example you have a veteren fighter and a novice mage in your party. Your fighter could run around beating stuff up for exp, while your mage hangs back and throws the occasional fireball; the fighter is going to earn more exp then the mage. In the old system where everyone earned exp for themselves and leveled automatically that would mean the fighter would level up a lot faster then the mage. In the new system all of the exp earned by any of your characters goes into a single exp pool, and is shared between all members of a party. Characters do not level automatically in the new system, instead the player controlls when characters level by spending party exp. You could spend your party exp to level up your fighter to elite, or level your mage to veteren, or you could use your exp to unlock a new class, such as Knight or Witch.
This way, the new system does not force a player to use a class they do not want to use. If you do not want to level a witch, but really want a tier 3 mystic class in your party, you can use a different class like fighter, to earn exp for the unlock. If you have enough exp you can unlock a new class, recruit a new party member of said class, and then level that character to max without ever using him in combat once.
Using the old system if you wanted a necromancer you would have had to level a mage to level cap to unlock the witch class, then leveled a witch to cap in order to unlock necromancer class.
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG