Shadow Of Corruption
Shadow Of Corruption
I was thinking on making a small mod for Clin's Flare , nothing fancy.
- Incresed difficullty
- Darker Athmosphere
-Moar Blood
-Small UI Changes
Sneak peak Screenshot (Sorry for the screen size)
Why are you posting this ?
Well , for to ask people what they think about this so far , suggestions and complains are always wealcome .
Why isn't his its own thing ?
I don't have any programing skills so I can't acualy make an mod since I have no clue how to integrate it in the game .
That screen looks crappy , sup with that ?
Lets just call that a "proof of concept" kinda thing ,I will add and refine stuff over time tho.
That's all I got so far sorry for the misspels and the large image , feel free to comment and ask qestions if you like.
Wow. The screeny actually looks amazing in its style.
The engine developers (especially Clint) want to get release version 1.0 out. The 1.0 engine would garantuee no breaking changes in further versions like 1.1. We'd just add stuff, but not break or change old behavior.
But we want to make a good 1.0. So please raise your voice with everything at the modding side, which is not logical or intuitive.
That being said, if you need any support (How to mod / How to change a certain thing) feel free to ask away. (Here, IRC(#flarerpg or #opengameart at freenode), github/clintbellanger/flare-engine or via mail)
*Thumbs up*
Looking good. I look forward to seeing your updates.