Spacescape II (2D shoot 'em up)
Spacescape II (2D shoot 'em up)
Here is the post for my projet, Spacescape II. It is a simple shoot 'em up, developped in C++ using a home made library based on allegro5.
Game datas mainly come from this website (wonderful !!) and from the famous spritlelib gpl. I'm ever looking for graphists, so if this project is interesting you :p
For now I only focused my work on the gameplay, not the UI and other stuffs.
You can get a copy at :
Sources are at : (if you want to compile it for your unix like system, just ask me for the instructions).
If the server is offline, then retry later.
Hoping you will get fun playing it !
I'm open to any criticisms.
PS: I'm sorry for my language, I'm a bad human language student :p