Sprite-Based Web Comic
Sprite-Based Web Comic
Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 09:43
Hello, I'm considering starting up a sprite-based web comic using art from this website. Would this be allowed or would it be in violation of the General Public License? More specifically, I intend to use sprites created from the Universal LPC Sprite Sheet Character Generator.
The LPC assets are licensed CC BY SA. You can read about the license below. As long as you abide by the terms of the license, you can use the assets for whatever you want. This basically means crediting the original authors and redistributing any modifications under the same license, but I would suggest you read the whole thing.
For the record, I think it would be awesome to see a sprite comic using the LPC assets. I got into pixel art thanks to sprite comics back in their hayday.
I'll read your web comic if it has LPC assets! The reason I stayed on this site was because of LPC art. You've already got a fan and you haven't made a comic yet :)
Actually, I already have a webcomic. Unfortunately, it's a screencap comic, meaning I took screenshots from an Anime called One Piece and placed my own speech bubbles over it. The premise is that the One Piece franchise does not exist. Instead, the world and the characters are all part of a custom Tabletop RPG campaign.
It's intended to be a non-profit fanbased parody (satire, if I ever have to defend myself in Canadian Court :p)... but that means I can't make any money off of it. Although... I'm considering putting up a "Donate" button. It doesn't count if it's donations, right? Eh... I should look into it more before trying it out. Anyways, I decided to do what Team Four Star (creators of Dragon Ball Z Abridged) have decided to do. Create extra content that's not non-profit.
I already have a story idea that I've considered writing out before, but couldn't really flesh out until now. It's basically about a group of D&D adventurers who are complete strangers to each other. When they meet each other, however, they begin to experience flashes of a previous life in which they know each other really well.
Hmm... as for the title... >_>
I considered "Adventure World", "My RP Group", and "Pixel Party", but... they sound a little too generic... plus, I think that last one's been taken. Hmm... maybe a title that pays tribute to the site I'm stealing *ahem* borrowing my materials from... :p
Could be the liberal pixel crew ;)
Would this be sufficient for crediting the sprite creator?
Gaurav did make the tool to put the sprites together, but he did not make the sprites. They represent the work of a number of different artists. I suspect that the required credits are gathered somewhere in the Git, though.
You could always find a CC0-licensed sprite style and create the sprites using an image editor. I have a CC0 sprite pack of my own by the way (nowhere near as developed as LPC and a totally different look). That said, I doubt anyone would put up much fuss over a sprite comic using LPC style sprites from a sprite generator. Making money off that would be tough, anyway.
Twitch Streamer, Web/Game Developer, & Artist
syrsly.com - contact me for commissions, thanks!
Hey, just letting you guys know. I've already started posting up comics that uses sprites from LPC. Let me know what you guys think of it so far. ^_^
You can find it here.
Hey Dragontrainer, I have saw the imp show up in your web comic, it made me excited and happy to see it being used! I have a golem now too:
I have lots of spiders too by the way:
I'm sure you're getting tired of seeing my talk about more sprites but I have a discussion you can follow here for updates:
I'll admit, I was a little surprised when I saw your name show up on one of the really well-made sprites I chose for my webcomic. Mostly it was because I didn't think I'd end up recognizing the name of any of the artists.
Anyways, looking forward to using more of your sprites. I should probably drop by the discussion thread at some point. I've got a few ideas for new sprite poses and stuff that I don't think I'll be able to do on my own. :p
Suggestions are welcome!