Loyalty Lies Heros - Heroine 04
Loyalty Lies Heros - Heroine 04
Tuesday, July 9, 2013 - 17:37
Art Type:
This weekend, my fiance and I are joining a game jam to make a game with a strong female lead (http://iamagamer.ca/). To get into the spirit of things, I decided to upload the four hero characters I made for my first game. They happen to be women, and the game never actually got finished so it would be great to see them used in something. If you want to find other stuff I made for the same project, look for "Loyalty Lies" ;)
Attribution Instructions:
This work should be attributed to Heather Lee Harvey, if possible I would also like a link to EmeraldActivities.com & http://opengameart.org/users/emerald

I think the skin color needs to be changed slightly, to be less yellow.
Ya, I know the colours in some of this stuff are less than ideal. I was using these in a game engine with a 256 colour palette.... and the colour options in the palette were not what I would have picked if I designed it, lol. Its pretty easy to just use the fill tool in an art progam and fix the colour if you want to use it though.
(This art is all about a decade old, so I will upload more but probably not change any. If I updated any of this stuff I would feel the need to redraw it too, lmao.)
Thanks for the feed back!