Twelve 16x18 RPG sprites, plus base
Twelve 16x18 RPG sprites, plus base
Tuesday, April 13, 2010 - 15:34
Art Type:
This is a set of character sprites, commissioned by and created by Antifarea. They are intended to work with the 16x16 town tileset, as seen here:
If you use this art, you must include a link back to in your attribution (as well as attributing the author, Antifarea). If you make modifications to it, we would appreciate if you contribute those modifications back to OGA, but that is not required.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Art by Charles Gabriel. Commissioned by (

Great work! And thanks for including the template, I might try making a character.
I created an "attack" pose for the base sprites:
Just to let you know - I'm using some of your characters for my "JRPG collection" music on Soundcloud, as they appear in the preview for this tileset. Thanks very much for making this available.
I've credited Antifarea/Charles Gabriel and linked to the CharlesGabriel OGA profile on the left hand side of my profile page, together with all the other credits (the Antifarea deviantART link is down). I hope this is OK, but if not, let me know and I'll change it.
The collection is up on OGA here.
I've altered and resubmitted! Doubled it in size. Credited. Hope it's okay.
Excelent work!
I would like to check your file but I have access denied message. Any idea why I would have this error?
This is a great animation. I ended up using it a game I made. Check it out!