Dark Ambient Loop 13
Dark Ambient Loop 13
Thursday, January 15, 2015 - 07:12
Art Type:

Seamless looping dark ambient/drone track. This suble track is good for aesthetically darker levels and games.
The file is avaiable in 48 kHz 24 bit WAV and has an approximate runtime of 01 minute and 54 seconds.
Check out my similar stuff: http://www.pond5.com/artist/mundosound#1/more-gallery-3
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Lucas Calvo - mundosound.com

Pretty cool! o.O
Cool, i'm using this for my exercise of recreating an old school Resident Evil-like thingy with Unity !
Hi thanks for the awesome creepy sound. I used it for the Brackeys Game Jam 2020 on my game 'You Are Alone'. If you care to give it a go, it will be up @ itch.io on https://tanicorn.itch.io/you-are-alone