Sunday, March 8, 2015 - 19:41
Art Type:
A Cowboy with 8 animation cycles:
- Idle with gun
- Idle without gum
- Jump with gun
- Jump without gun
- Shoot while jumping
- Shoot while staying
- Walk with gun
- Walk without gun
Visit my website to get the full Western Package for free:
- Western Tileset with tons of objects
- 7 animated character sprites
- Parallax Background

Fantastic sprite. I'm using it in my first platform game. Hope this is ok. I have blogged about my game progress here.
Of corse this is OK! Looking forward to your results.
btw, an other version of this Asset Set I used in my
platformer Game: ;)
Thanks software_atelier, my game is finally done! Credits are in the game.
Take a look here
Blogged about here:
btw, I loved the newsletter you send out over Dec/Jan. Some great developement tips!
Can you clarify the license of these images?
The sidebar on OpenGameArt tells that license is public domain (CC0).
But inside the zip archive, there's a file LICENSE.TXT, that says that a special license granted by "Software Atelier Kamber" applies to this work. It seems permissive (says "Assets are free for use in commercial and personal projects"), but it's not public domain. For example the LICENSE.TXT says "Do NOT include assets for direct download from any website, game or any other project." -- this is in contrast to public domain.
The license is also somewhat unclear to me -- does the above sentence allow placing these images inside a public GitHub repository, along with the rest of game data? The assets would be then directly downloadable.
Thank you in advance for claryfing this:)
michalis is right; the license.txt found inside the download package is contradictory. The terms in the package are not compatible with CC0, nor any other license accepted on OGA.
@software_atelier: would you be willing to remove the license.txt or replace it with the standard CC0 language?
Until then I have to mark this as having a licensing issue.Thank you for understanding.EDIT: fixed, thanks! :)