25 spooky sound effects
25 spooky sound effects
Friday, October 22, 2010 - 23:08
Art Type:

Listen to preview at a LOW VOLUME. There are some screams that are kind of loud. :)
Recorded on a Tascan DR-07 with a shotgun mic. Cropped, filtered, and equalized in Audacity.
When you credit me, you must include a link back to http://opengameart.org

All recorded by you? What device? What effects? What app? :)
Good question. I'll update the description. :)
I might use the "brains!" in osare, when zombies first enter combat.
What does GPL 2.0 Mean? And GPL 3.0? does this mean i cant use this sound for my commercial project?
Im sorry for confusion
Yes, you can use this in your commercial project. Just mention opengameart.org in your credits.
If something is available under multiple licenses, you can choose the license that works the best for you. You don't need to worry about the other ones.
thank you!