4 Glowing Rune Stones (32w x 49h)
4 Glowing Rune Stones (32w x 49h)
I made one just to use as a place holder in a game I am currently working on, but I figured I could make a small set and post them here for anyone else who might have a use.
The animation is 6 frames, gray rock with a rune that glows blue/cyan. In the game I am working on it's just used for a puzzle where you would push them into a slot to open a door. Like so - http://imgur.com/yjQv4oc
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
You can use these in your game, as long as you don't credit me or anyone else for it. Thanks. Unless you feel like it, in that case link my tweetbox https://twitter.com/TwoLeafGames