Unable to upload any art, have a ton to share
Unable to upload any art, have a ton to share
I'm wondering if it's my account, because both Firefox and Chrome give me a white page after I submit a completed work. To make matters worse, I originally tried to do these uploads in December 2016 with the exact same results. Now, here it is 7 months later and it's the exact same issue. I'm submitting a 150MB texture (diffuse/normal) pack, as well as 50 sci fi sound fx, both packages totally created by me and licensed under CC0. Any help in getting my contributions uploaded successfully would be awesome. I also have more content to share, but I'm starting with those two large packs. Thanks for the help.
It sounds like an account permission problem that affects some users. PM an admin/mod if they don't see this in a timely manner.
Stay a while and listen.
I don't see any permission issues. I was even able to submit art via your credentials just fine. Are you, by chance, copying and pasting anything when attempting to submit art?
Pasting text or formatting from another source can often cause the white screen issue because unusual special characters (like the fancy angled double-quote that replaces the standard ASCII ["] when copying from some word processors) get pasted in to the submit form, but the website can't interpret them properly, so it just gives up.
If you are pasting anything into the submission form (and not typing it all directly) I recommend first pasting it into a text-neutral program like Notepad, then copying it from there and pasting it into the submission form to ensure no unusual ANSI characters or hidden formatting is interfering with the submission process.
--Medicine Storm
Great sound fx by the way (got them from your site).
Hope you get this upload issue sorted out because I'm sure a lot of people will be able to use them.
Thanks everyone. Yes, I've been copy/pasting in the description, so that's probably the issue. I'll try correcting that. Thanks again everyone!
UPDATE: That was definitely it! I appreciate the help!
Awesome. Thanks for sharing. Good stuff. Keep it up! :)
--Medicine Storm
I have a similar problem, so it may be unneccessary to start a new thread. I tried uploading some animations, but I get this:
An AJAX HTTP request terminated abnormally. Debugging information follows. Path: /file/progress/1007775011 StatusText: ResponseText: ReadyState: 4
Can you take a screenshot of the error message?
Also, when does the error happen? When you hit the submit button? When you're entering tags?
--Medicine Storm
It starts uploading the zip file, a few MB, with progressbar, then throws the errormessage mit a red frame, each time at 6.3% completion, iirc. I have relatively small bandwidth, could that cause it?
Yup that may be primarily bandwidth problems with uploading speeds and consistency .
Try uploading on a different browser as well and if that doesn't work give it some time or try another internet connection .
Hope that helps! I am also looking for someone to help me with art for a small project if you can help please let me know. Or if you want to do a game jam together.
Good luck!