Unfair Rage Platformer

Unfair Rage Platformer

Hello! I made a mobile game similar to syobon action (cat mario). Its a 2d pixel unfair platformer. Here's the link to it https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Boon.UnfairPlatformer

Its a free game only available in the google play store. Thank you for checking it out if you did.

feature graphic












Here are the credits(which is also in the game) / stuff i used. Credits Produced, programmed and Designed using unity game engine by Tan Boon Hing

Most of the assets are from people from OpenGameArt.org Thank you OpenGameArt.org and the people from OGA! 


Music and Sound Effects

 4 Chiptune(Adventure) , The Essential Retro Video Game Sound Effects Collection [512 sounds] 

(Music used in all levels except 2-boss + most sound effects) - https://juhanijunkala.com/ (SubspaceAudio on OpenGameArt)

Good Mood Theme(8-BIT) (Music used in main menu) - @wyver9 https://wyver9.bandcamp.com/ https://twitter.com/wyver9 (wyver9 on OpenGameArt)

"Welcome to Swindler's!" (Music used in 2-boss level) - Spring/Spring Enterprises (Spring on OpenGameArt)


Pixel Arts

Seasonal Platformer Tiles , Platformer Baddies , Items and elements , Jellybot enemies (Pixel Art that made up most of the game) (GrafxKid on OpenGameArt)  

Treasure chest Pixel art animation (pixel art of empty treasure chest in 2-boss level) - DontMind8.blogspot.com  

Classic Pirate Captain [Animated] (pixel art animation of pirateboss in 2-boss) (DezrasDragons on OpenGameArt)

Forest Boy - Platformer Animated Character 24x24 (pixel art animation of main character) (patvanmackelberg on OpenGameArt)

Cannon sprite (Cannon Sprite on 2-boss) (Disthron on OpenGameArt) 

Other Pixel arts (TanBoonHing)