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Monday, May 6, 2013 - 01:48

@asalinasci: Thank you!  Feel free to just credit me under my username, MoikMellah.

Thursday, April 25, 2013 - 14:22

Very nice!  Are the nubs on the right swapped?  The green one is on the blue bar, and vice-versa..

Friday, April 19, 2013 - 13:57

I like it - looks intriguing!

Your YouTube link is broken - it has a 'mailto:' tacked on, so it pops up Thunderbird for me.

Thursday, March 21, 2013 - 12:10


'This FAQ is incorrect imo. There is nothing in the CC BY-SA licence text ( ) that says "or similar" includes the GPL. In fact, the text refers to "Creative Commons Compatible License", defined at , which currently says "Please note that to date, Creative Commons has not approved any licenses for compatibility"!'

Agreed that the FAQ is incorrect in regards to CC-By-SA art affecting the code license - it doesn't.  Here is an article by cwebber (formerly of Creative Commons, and one of the principal organizers of the LPC) explaining in detail the separation of the data layer (art, sound, etc.) from the software layer (code/executables) where licensing is concerned.  Also, see this discussion on Freegamer by BartK (who wrote the FAQ originally) expressing the same view on code/data separation.

Friday, March 1, 2013 - 14:09

I hope this project isn't dead - Erik Kain of has dubbed this 'The Most Entertaining Kickstarter of All Time'.  High praise!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - 20:10

@Duion: Recycling?  I don't see any of the above in Yughues' submissions to date - this is all new material (to OGA, at least).  Besides which, this site generally encourages remixes; that's kinda the whole point of FOSS licensing.

Thursday, February 21, 2013 - 15:47

This is very Metroid-esque - I like it!  It'd be cool to see Xeon fighting a swarm of these..

Wednesday, February 20, 2013 - 14:00

Ooh, don't forget as3fxr for generating retro-style sound effects.

Friday, February 1, 2013 - 14:17

@makrohn: I stand corrected, then - thanks for the clarification!

Friday, February 1, 2013 - 13:42

@Zabin: Licensees of an asset only need to abide by one of the work's licenses - dual-licensing is an 'x OR y' situation, not 'x AND y'.  Releasing a derivative work under only one of the specified licenses is allowed.

That aside, the original Golden Plate submission isn't a derivative of Wulax's work - it's entirely original, and can be licensed under whatever the author/commissioner chooses.  This piece is a separate work, remixing components from both Wulax's and VividReality's submissions - choosing CC-By-SA 3.0 as the license for this work satisfies the licensing requirements of both the original assets.
