Primary tabs

Comments by User

Saturday, April 4, 2015 - 23:59

I like the simplicity, but it reads like it applies to the entire work not just the specific artwork used.  Needs a 'Portions of this work are...' or 'This work includes artwork that is...' lead-in or something like that.

As for the 'why another license?',  I don't think it hurts to have more options or try to discuss what would make a useful license for people.

Saturday, April 4, 2015 - 02:27

These are great!   I also don't mind including all the different color varients, it doesn't take up much extra space and it's nice to see the different combinations.

Saturday, April 4, 2015 - 00:52

Whether steam /requires/ games to use DRM or not is subject to some debate, though in my opinion you are better safe than sorry.

even if you use one of the CCO works, you really should give credit to the original artist somehow.  It's not required, but it's the right thing to do.   It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just a shout out in the credits page or the readme file for the game.  


Friday, April 3, 2015 - 12:17


wow!  you are making this game in batch code?   Well in that case, maybe sticking to a single screen is best!

In that case, I would just advise you divide the screen up into discrete rectangles, one for each related group of UI icons, text, meters, etc.   Currently (as with the spell icons) you have different UI elements overlapping each other.  Better to put each UI group in it's own disctinct box.


You are correct about Ravenmore's set, you will need to give credit if you use that piece, you'll also need to abide by the rest of the terms of the CC-BY 3.0 license which includes some provisions related to DRM, see:


Friday, April 3, 2015 - 10:20

@undesired:  Maybe I'm wrong but I would be surprised if the item pack represented an issue.  That's all generic fantasy stuff.  Nintendo can't own a bow or a key with a skull on it.  If you're worried Nintendo might claim the specific gameplay features of those weapons as they're implemented in Zelda, give 3Dot Game Heroes a try sometime... ;)

Friday, April 3, 2015 - 10:14

@interdimensions: Just to add to what Redshrike said, the issue is that the sprites could so easily be mistaken for the actual Link.  That's what create the trademark problem.  But shouldn't be too hard to remedy.  Nintendo can't own everybody with a green cap.  What about just giving her red hair?  or darker skin and brown hair? or purple hair and blue clothes?  well, you get the idea.   TBH, as much as I love the idea of playing Zelda as a female Link, it might not be a bad idea to give the character more of her own idenitity anyway.  Well that's just my 2 cents...


regarding the C&D issued for the mario 64 project, note that that was a clone of the entire game.  Fish around Greenlight (or this site even) and you'll see that just having 'Zelda-ish' sprites hasn't been enough to trigger a bad reaction from the big-N.  Generally, just being in the realm of 'reminds me of' is fine, it's when you get to 'easily mistaken for' that the trouble starts.

Friday, April 3, 2015 - 09:51

re: bevelled look, I wasn't thinking anything fancy, just standard windows stuff.  A quick search on OGA turned up these sets any one of which might work well for you:

(note first four are CC0, last two are CC-BY 3.0)


thanks for the description, sounds like an interesting game, and the context certainly does help.  I'd say since the game is fundamentally a text adventure, you probobally do want to stick to the more gui/less picture route.   

Some notes on the layout:

Having the bottom row of spells larger than the top row is odd.  I would make the two rows the same size, adding a third row if you needed to.

Overall, I'd say it's just very busy, seems like you are trying to cram every possible element of the game onto one screen.   If it was a simpler game that might work, but here you might do better splitting things up into tabs or something (so a tab for actions, a tab for current rune progress, etc. etc.) keeping just the basic immediate status stuff visible at all times.

just my 2 cents...


Friday, April 3, 2015 - 06:36

Pretty good for 'scraps'!  Toppers are especially cool, thanks for sharing!

Friday, April 3, 2015 - 06:33

Nice!  Really like the dingy mossy look of these, thanks for sharing!

Friday, April 3, 2015 - 06:06

I just want to say that I also think this would be a very useful feature.  Actually, I'd like to see each work on here packaged as a '.zip' bundling all files in the submission along with a 'README.txt' file stating the author(s) and license(s) for the work as well as any attribution instructions.  It'd be great to toss a copy of any of the relevant licenses (eg. CC-BY-3.0.txt', etc) in there too.  

This is how I have packaged the works I have published on here and I think it makes a nice tidy bundle for anyone who downloads it.   As it stands, it's very easy to download a bunch of pngs, etc. and completely lose track of who made them or how they are licensed.   Similar to madmccoy, I have developed my own little system for keeping track of this stuff but it would be cool if the site automated the process a little since it has all the relevant information to do so.

Of course, I'm guessing such a process goes against the submission framework used by the site, but hey one can only dream right?  maybe a stretch goal on the paetron? 
