Thanks for the cc FaceadeGaiken but as I posted it was not my best work.about a 4 out of 10. but I upload anyway so others could do as they please. as for my work try
If I had a better idea as to what you where looking for I could prob. help a bit
Sorry just checked and I have them on my end Arn't the textures in the blender file under textures? If not let me know but there should be a normal map and 2 png diffused textures. If not I can upload PS I also have others I can upload (boots, potion,ect.) but no1 seamed interested.
Nice tuts djonvincent You may also what to check this one out
+ theres some great figure animation tuts for blender also
Thanks for the cc FaceadeGaiken but as I posted it was not my best work.about a 4 out of 10. but I upload anyway so others could do as they please. as for my work try
If I had a better idea as to what you where looking for I could prob. help a bit
Sorry for the delay Facede been busy as of late
Nice to see someone else working with Maratis /blender3d.
Ps I think I have a low poly 3d Sara I made for the contest awile back Ill post. Dont remimber If shes textured. If your intrested?
Thanks Charlie for the uber cool! (just makes me want to upload more stuff)
LOL ok clint ( that made my day) with all kiding aside your prob. right (and in its self that is funny)
NP I uploaded the file also
Can up load the obj. file if need be
I put the textures in the zip Gwes also added a red 1 because you had to waiting so long
Sorry just checked and I have them on my end Arn't the textures in the blender file under textures? If not let me know but there should be a normal map and 2 png diffused textures. If not I can upload PS I also have others I can upload (boots, potion,ect.) but no1 seamed interested.