Yottabyte1024, that looks interesting! This is a free game? I like that graphics style, just wish there were a few more screenshots I could check out first. But thanks for sharing, I'll give it a download. :D
Not sure why I didn't see this until now. I hope you make great use of this song. I see that you created your user account on the day you left this comment, which I am humble for. Thanks for letting me know :) When you finish you project I would love to check it out.
@Teh_Bucket That's a fun test-build! Ran smooth in IE11. I take it there will be some missions eventually? The combat and flocking AI feels dialed in. Thanks a lot for sharing, and I definitely appreciate the attribution. I'll check back with you later for a progress update, if you don't mind :D
@capbros: New here, didn't know the history. By escalated quickly I meant my comment was deleted the next day I checked for it. That was an important comment dude! I'm kidding. Sounds like the admins cut him enough slack and did all they could though.
Cool thanks for letting me know glitchart.
Sorry about the website not working I changed host and haven't put it back up yet!
Yottabyte1024, that looks interesting! This is a free game? I like that graphics style, just wish there were a few more screenshots I could check out first. But thanks for sharing, I'll give it a download. :D
Hi Myra, Exoplanets looks amazing - my kinda game :) Thanks for sharing and I hope you find a good use for this song.
I voted YES for Steam greenlight and I'm looking forward to trying out the demo later!
Not sure why I didn't see this until now. I hope you make great use of this song. I see that you created your user account on the day you left this comment, which I am humble for. Thanks for letting me know :) When you finish you project I would love to check it out.
@capbros I hope you find a use for one :)
@Teh_Bucket That's a fun test-build! Ran smooth in IE11. I take it there will be some missions eventually? The combat and flocking AI feels dialed in. Thanks a lot for sharing, and I definitely appreciate the attribution. I'll check back with you later for a progress update, if you don't mind :D
Good deal, also make sure to check out the intro forum post: http://opengameart.org/forumtopic/just-uploaded-tons-of-music
Thanks :) There is a lower pitch one "barren scrapyard 2", made directly from this. I'd recommend using them both for progression.
Sounds good, don't forget to check out the intro forum thread:
@capbros: New here, didn't know the history. By escalated quickly I meant my comment was deleted the next day I checked for it. That was an important comment dude! I'm kidding. Sounds like the admins cut him enough slack and did all they could though.
That escalated quickly...just a few minutes ago I posted this champ to his other "trollface" thread which is now deleted: