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Monday, April 30, 2018 - 18:58
Sunday, April 29, 2018 - 16:23

I'm aiming for some time this week. I'm working on some developer mode improvements right now, and I might try to squeeze in #1626 after that.

Saturday, April 28, 2018 - 16:19

Implemented (look for it soon in 1.05):

Keybind loading now goes like this:

  1. Engine defaults are set as a baseline.
  2. If the mod has "engine/default_keybindings.txt", try to load the user's keybinds from "saves/SAVE_PREFIX/keybindings.txt".
  3. Try to load from mod's "engine/default_keybindings.txt"
  4. Try to load from user's saved global keybindings.txt
  5. If nothing could be loaded by this point, keybinds will be the engine defaults.

The syntax of "engine/default_keybindings.txt" permits defining only the actions you wish to change. Here's an example:






Wednesday, April 25, 2018 - 13:08

That sounds like a good solution. If a mod contains a keybindings definition, we can then look for a saved keybindings definition under the current save prefix, e.g. "saves/empyrean/keybindings.txt".

Tuesday, April 24, 2018 - 20:20

Not possible at the moment. I'm okay with adding it, but I want to make sure that a mod can't clobber a user's personal keybinds. Especially for users with different keyboard layouts. Maybe we could prompt the user that a mod has some default keybinds and ask if they want to use them.

Anyway, I've opened an issue for this on Github, so you can watch there for any developments.

Thursday, April 19, 2018 - 12:42

There are no hotkeys that are used to spend skill points.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018 - 10:10

Each boss and miniboss can drop a unique item, the Escape Boots being one of them. So yes, it's a random drop and you got lucky.

I tried to reproduce the skill point bug with Flare 1.03, but was unable to. We had a bug prior to 1.0 that auto-unlocked Powers that didn't require a skill point. But I don't think that applies here.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018 - 13:52

Thanks for the review. There are a few things I'd like to clarify, though:

  • The number of wyverns in the Mez fight is finite. They don't infinitely spawn, and dealing with them first can make the fight with Mez easier.
  • The enemies in the Pit spawn from the Forgotten Graves scattered about, but max out at 10 creatures per grave. Destroying the graves will not only stop it from spawning creatues, but it will also kill all the creatures that have already been spawned by it. So taking out the graves should be a priority in making the fight more managable. The Pit is the last area in the game, so it is supposed to be difficult.
  • You're supposed to get 5 stat points a 1 skill point every level. If you didn't, then that's a bug we'll have to look into fixing.
  • The traveling merchant Abasi is the primary merchant for providing magic items to buy. His stock is random, but he does sell the rare purple-quality items, which are the best you can buy in the game.
Sunday, April 15, 2018 - 10:43

This bug was fixed in Flare 1.02, so I recommend updating if you haven't already:

And if you're curious about why this was happening:

Sunday, April 8, 2018 - 23:02

Thanks for the positive review. :)
