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Tuesday, November 10, 2020 - 15:16

>If minimizing the game by alt+tab and maximizing it again, you can very often hear the sound of "low health" even though it is not the case.

Interesting. First time I've heard of that happening, but thanks for making me aware of the bug.

>And in the Nazia Underground there seems to be the "wrong" music (music which rather fits to open grassland). Not my favorite track at all because it's so repetitive, by the way.

This was actually intentional. But I can understand why you might not like that track. It's a little too melodic, and I would personally like something more ambient.

Sunday, November 8, 2020 - 21:48

The max level is 20. The game is designed around the player finishing it around level 16.

If you use two 60% item find rings and nothing else, your effective loot chance modifier is 220% (100 + 60 + 60). This modifies the drop chances in each loot table. The Underworld items have a 3% base chance per dropped item, so their rate would be modified to 6.6%. In other words, if the boss drops 2 items, each item will have a 6.6% chance of being an Underworld item.

Friday, November 6, 2020 - 14:59

There's an option if you go to the Configuration menu's Input tab called "Attack with mouse movement". If you disable this, attacks won't be triggered if your cursor passes over an enemy.

Friday, November 6, 2020 - 13:43

Ogel drops the first 3 Underworld armor parts (including the boots)
Rakk drops the second 3 Underworld armor parts
Lezaith drops the 3 Underworld weapons

For all the others, each boss has 1 unique item.

Monday, November 2, 2020 - 09:55

I'll just say up front that I have no interest in moving Flare to using a scripting language at this time. The current "API" has been good enough for us to make our game, as well as other modders' games like Ghostlore.

Lua has definitely been tossed around as an idea. I didn't know about MiniScript, but after giving it a quick look, I think I would prefer it over Lua if we ever do scripting.

Monday, October 26, 2020 - 17:08

Didn't even think of that! I added a fix by locking the teleporter until after Metzger is defeated:

Tuesday, October 20, 2020 - 15:16

Version 1.11 is the latest release, so you're up to date. I'll see what can be done about marking mods as incompatible in order to warn players accordingly.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020 - 11:49

The three brothers quest is the end of the content in the alpha demo (aka version 0.19).

The alpha demo and the Empyrean campaign are completely incompatible, so you can't use your save games across them. But for reference, your save games are located in ~/.local/share/flare/saves/

I'm curious how outdated your version of Flare is. You should be able to get the version number from the top right of the title screen. I think Ubuntu 20.04 ships Flare 1.09 in its repositories.

Sunday, September 27, 2020 - 01:01

I'm glad it all worked out. This was informative for me, since I don't maintain either the Snap nor the Flatpak package. So, I'll add this information to the README to avoid future confusion.

Sunday, September 27, 2020 - 00:54

Great. After installing the Flatpak version, run it once so it can create the directory. Then you can find the "mods" and "saves" directories in:


You should just be able to copy the save over from the Snap directory. Definitely copy before uninstalling.
