Attempting to fix the bull, I think it looks better now, but still, only 6 frames is kind of a limitation.
Looks great, though the screenshot is a little blurry. Yeah, a little tweaking would proabably be necessary for it to work ^^
Draw it as a curve, similar to these pictures, especially the second one:
(These are my own private OC's by the way, only provided for example)
Big eye:
That was about the nose :P
I can make a bigger eye.
Finally, a rounder, more anime-like version, here the eyes become very apparent as a male and female one, I think.
Version where the eye rim is not stark black, this is probably preferrable.
Recolored for green and chestnut
Another eye attempt. Also tried making a very feminine-looking eye with mascara.
Soul Eater hit and death cut down to 6 frames each
Attempting to fix the bull, I think it looks better now, but still, only 6 frames is kind of a limitation.
Looks great, though the screenshot is a little blurry. Yeah, a little tweaking would proabably be necessary for it to work ^^
Draw it as a curve, similar to these pictures, especially the second one:
(These are my own private OC's by the way, only provided for example)
Big eye:
That was about the nose :P
I can make a bigger eye.
Finally, a rounder, more anime-like version, here the eyes become very apparent as a male and female one, I think.
Version where the eye rim is not stark black, this is probably preferrable.
Recolored for green and chestnut
Another eye attempt. Also tried making a very feminine-looking eye with mascara.
Soul Eater hit and death cut down to 6 frames each