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Sunday, November 19, 2017 - 21:35

Also: what are the characters skin colors? Since they are American they could be either black or white.

Sunday, November 19, 2017 - 21:31

Reminds me of the power rangers... :D

I'm not too sure what a Japanese eyepatch is. But I will do one of the characters,  Violet, I think, then you can see what you think, and then we can go from there.

Sunday, November 19, 2017 - 20:23

Well you're the only one who decides how quickly you want to answer. Just take as much time as you want.

Sunday, November 19, 2017 - 20:14

OK then, let's start with one character for now and see if it's something you can really use first ^^

Tbh I hadn't really committed to making NPC's and stuff also yet, and it's not that I don't want to, but I need to get the style on point first, and we should also clarify a bit about your game and what you expect from me as part of the team first, hopefully you understand ^^

Sunday, November 19, 2017 - 20:09

Interesting game you got, right now it seems like a more primitive version of Factorio, and while it's a little bit confusing at first (like for example knowing that you have to stand still to craft stuff) it was quite fun to go around hunting rats for a couple of days :)

The plant idea seems interesting and unique to me, as (let's face it) most games in this genre don't feature a very realistic agricultural system. I think it's a good idea to give the player a little taste of the hardships and challenges invoved in actual farming, rather than just things popping out of the ground magically (my own game is guilty of this, even)

It's too bad that your main character looks so blurry though. It really detracts from the look of the game, which looks ok otherwise. Some sound effects would also help making the game better I think, I don't really think music is too necessary for a game like this, but ambient sounds like the rustling of leaves and the wind would provide a nice touch ^^

Sadly I don't think I can help much with your drawing, plants is one of my weakest points next to vehicles and buildings :P 

But hopefully this little bit of feedback still proves marginally useful or helpful to you! Best of luck!


Sunday, November 19, 2017 - 19:51

Also, for this battler mode - should I make them naked like the default ones, so you can replace equipment on them, or should they just be wearing whatever their overworld sprites are?

Sunday, November 19, 2017 - 19:45

Thanks - just to clarify, is it 2003-style side-view battler or MV-style (MV, right?)

If you don't specify any dimensions for the characters, I will just make them the same size as the RMMV default ones, if that's ok? It means you can test them more easily with the default tiles.

Sunday, November 19, 2017 - 19:37

So you want to see my style before you feel like describing the characters to me?

I have a DeviantArt page that has some pixelart if you dig deep enough, most of it is pony and furry stuff tho, but you can still get a general idea of how it looks from there I guess, otherwise maybe you could describe just one of the characters, and I'll try and make an RPG maker character sheet of her/him. Is there any particular dimensions you would like the characters to be in?

Sunday, November 19, 2017 - 18:42

Yeah this is kind of a complicated story, and I don't see all too well how the different chapters tie together. It kinda reminds me of Heroes in a way. (the TV show)

But if you have a long game it would be exciting to have the plot unveil slowly, to give you sort of an "aha now I know what's going on" experience. Still, it's nice that you've put so much thought into it, just be careful with setting the bar too high on your first game, which I understand this is. (correct me if I'm wrong) 


 I think you should change your character names, but like you write yourself these names are only supposed to be placeholders. I think the first two thigs to think about when deciding on a character name is:

1: Whether the character is male or female

and 2: What country she/he is from, since that'll likely be the two most important factors in deciding his/her naming, at least in a realistic setting on Earth ^^


To be honest sales do not matter too much for me either. The main reason why I always ask this is that I don't like to work with people who have unrealistic sales ambitions or are only interested in making easy money, but you seem quite down to earth and accepting of the fact that this may not be a commercial success, or even generate much of a profit, so that's only good I think.


Regarding the art style, making RPG maker tilesets for newer versions of the program is a major major pain, and I can't figure out exactly how to do so tbh, characters and enemies I would say are not too hard though, of course it depends on the style you want, but if it can be anything I can just pick a style I'm comfortable with, if we end up deciding to work together that is. One thing I will say though, is that there any many free graphics on this site which are excellent for RPG's, probably far better than what I can do, most of them have a medieval fantasy theme to them though, with your game I'm imagining  a more modern-day setting from your story snippets. There are still good resources for that here, but a slightly more limited selection.

And yes RTP means exactly what you're saying, it's the images in default RPG Maker Style. 


Do you have any concept art for your characters?


Sunday, November 19, 2017 - 18:23

@Ninja Dog, what about your realm, how's it coming along?
