There's an edit here for cinematic purposes, crediting the original:
I think I'd call that delay more than arpeggio, but in any case it's nice! Thanks for this!
Totally and utterly, perfecto. Thank you!
This tune brings tears to my eyes, it's so beautiful.
Heh, the mixture of retro and classic intstruments is lovely.
Man... regains composure... This battle tune is staggeringly epic; so, so nice. Thank you _/|\_
One of the best tunes on OpenGameArt. Good show, bud.
Dang, this beat is super sweet. Thanks, bud!
Now now, Snabisch. Someday I will make a free and open game and use these assets. Okay?
Love it but hate the license! *twiddles fingers on desktop*
There's an edit here for cinematic purposes, crediting the original:
I think I'd call that delay more than arpeggio, but in any case it's nice! Thanks for this!
Totally and utterly, perfecto. Thank you!
This tune brings tears to my eyes, it's so beautiful.
Heh, the mixture of retro and classic intstruments is lovely.
Man... regains composure... This battle tune is staggeringly epic; so, so nice. Thank you _/|\_
One of the best tunes on OpenGameArt. Good show, bud.
Dang, this beat is super sweet. Thanks, bud!
Now now, Snabisch. Someday I will make a free and open game and use these assets. Okay?
Love it but hate the license! *twiddles fingers on desktop*