Thanks bluecarrot16, it means a lot coming from you! It is your packs that inspired my project.
Oh yes, the rework of the tree is nice, it fits well the LPC style. I use it too, as oak in my generator. If one day, you finish it, let me know.
Yeah, I am thinking about sub-biomes. It is not a top priority but it would definitely make the world more interesting
That's clever to generate the trees like that, especially for fruit trees. That's interesting, I may give it a try.
@Evert Yes, it is amazing how Zelda games fell gigantic while they are quite small in reality. It is funny that despite appearances, we are not trying to do something similar at all. I am planning to generate large worlds like 3000x3000 tiles.
I look forward to seeing the results of your dungeon generator. I am currently creating mine, more in the roguelike tradition. By the way, have you written up some devlogs?
With the technique I use to place the trees, it is possible to vary the density using a grayscale texture (e.g. Perlin noise). I will surely use that to simulate clumping.
There will be areas of interets too. For now, I have planned to do ruins, graveyards, dungeon/mine/cave entrances, camps, and inns.
I will try to update this thread as soon as I have something interesting to show.
@Evert If you eventually write something one day, I will be glad to read you! Thanks for the link, it seems really interesting!
Since last time, I have worked on dungeon and cave generation.
Here is an animation describing the steps of the generation:
Then I worked on generating tiles using [LPC] Mountains tileset from the output of the generator:
If you are interested by the details, I have written two new devlogs: here and there.
I also started working on brick walls but it is not quite ready.
Hope you like it!
Thanks bluecarrot16, it means a lot coming from you! It is your packs that inspired my project.
Oh yes, the rework of the tree is nice, it fits well the LPC style. I use it too, as oak in my generator. If one day, you finish it, let me know.
Yeah, I am thinking about sub-biomes. It is not a top priority but it would definitely make the world more interesting
That's clever to generate the trees like that, especially for fruit trees. That's interesting, I may give it a try.
@Evert Yes, it is amazing how Zelda games fell gigantic while they are quite small in reality. It is funny that despite appearances, we are not trying to do something similar at all. I am planning to generate large worlds like 3000x3000 tiles.
I look forward to seeing the results of your dungeon generator. I am currently creating mine, more in the roguelike tradition. By the way, have you written up some devlogs?
Nice result!
I would like to add cliffs and mountains too but I am not sure how to do that correctly.
Is this the final scale or you will generate larger worlds later?
Thanks for the kind feedback!
With the technique I use to place the trees, it is possible to vary the density using a grayscale texture (e.g. Perlin noise). I will surely use that to simulate clumping.
There will be areas of interets too. For now, I have planned to do ruins, graveyards, dungeon/mine/cave entrances, camps, and inns.
I will try to update this thread as soon as I have something interesting to show.