Here's one that I made. The figure is fairly low poly so you can do whatever with it...
I was using this in one of my projects, so there might be some logic/ animations there, but you can fix that by opening a new file and just appending the rig and model.
Hot dang. Thanks, man! The community really appreciates people who put in so much time and effort into their work to create quality items such as this!
Is that the dragon from the blender cookie tutorial?
I think that it would be more convincing to keep the head the same color as the body.
Here's one that I made. The figure is fairly low poly so you can do whatever with it...
I was using this in one of my projects, so there might be some logic/ animations there, but you can fix that by opening a new file and just appending the rig and model.
Nice! Good idea!
dunno if two entries are allowed, but...
Hot dang. Thanks, man! The community really appreciates people who put in so much time and effort into their work to create quality items such as this!
Actually, Upside-Down Freaky Grin won...
So.... When does the contest end?
I fixed the hydrant... Am I allowed to change it, or would I be disqualified?
(I just fixed the nasty seams)
My entry.
Some of the seams are off and I would love to fix it, but that would infringe upon the fifteen minute rule...
What can I do?