When the "Favorite Submitters This Month" expires, I'll request another bump.
There should be a way to change how the site calculates "favorite submitters". Currently, if I understand correctly, it counts all likes for a submission "created" within the past month. That's why you see me as a favorite submitter this month. Even though those likes were added months or years ago, they are still counted for the current month because the date on the submissions is changed when they get bumped.
I think one of a couple things might work better:
Keep track of the date for each "like", or perhaps better...
Instead of seeking to bump submissions, do like is done for comments. Have a section on the side bar of the main page for "Recently updated submissions".
When the "Favorite Submitters This Month" expires, I'll request another bump.
There should be a way to change how the site calculates "favorite submitters". Currently, if I understand correctly, it counts all likes for a submission "created" within the past month. That's why you see me as a favorite submitter this month. Even though those likes were added months or years ago, they are still counted for the current month because the date on the submissions is changed when they get bumped.
I think one of a couple things might work better:
@Tiskolin, it looks like a scaling filter like something similar to Scale2x perhaps.
Added some of your icons to my CC0 collections:
Scaled your armors down to 32x32 & added to my icon collection:
Scaled these down to 32x32 & added to my icon collections:
Scaled these down to 32x32 & added to my icon collections:
Scaled these down to 32x32 & added to my icon collections:
Added your whips to CC0 Whip Icons:
Added your gloves to my CC0 collection:
Definitely going to try this out. Thanks!