I personally don't have any experience with drupal or the site's source itself. You should be able to contact Botanic via IRC chat. I do know that Botanic is overloaded with work & hasn't been able to do a whole lot yet.
NOTICE: OpenGameArt.org has been open sourced & is hosted at GitHub. If you would like to help out you can fork the repository, request membership on GitHub, or bug Botanic to ask about how you can contribute.
You are right, it's just the order of images rearranged. And now that I have created a script to automate it, it is super easy to do. It should not be bumped.
Not sure if this change merits a bump, but created S/W/E/N formatted versions of my fox sprite for users using engines such as RPG Maker or RPG Boss that require spritesheets in that order.
I have other spritesheets I am going to do this with as well. So, if this is appropriate for a bump request I will be requesting for the others as well when I get them done.
The description states that there is a README file included in the download that has more information in it. My guess is that it would depend on what all you used. I believe that wulax created the outfits. So it may be that if you just use the outfit you only need to credit wulax. If you use the sprite bases as well, you would need to credit the author of those. But, I'm not 100% sure on that. Best to look through the README.
I personally don't have any experience with drupal or the site's source itself. You should be able to contact Botanic via IRC chat. I do know that Botanic is overloaded with work & hasn't been able to do a whole lot yet.
NOTICE: OpenGameArt.org has been open sourced & is hosted at GitHub. If you would like to help out you can fork the repository, request membership on GitHub, or bug Botanic to ask about how you can contribute.
Requesting bump for Elder Skeleton submission. Created alternate sprite with different head:Actually, don't bump this one. I have more work to do on it before it gets bumped.
Requesting bump for Orcs submission. Added new orc shaman sprite:You are right, it's just the order of images rearranged. And now that I have created a script to automate it, it is super easy to do. It should not be bumped.
Thanks MedicineStorm.
Not sure if this change merits a bump, but created S/W/E/N formatted versions of my fox sprite for users using engines such as RPG Maker or RPG Boss that require spritesheets in that order.
I have other spritesheets I am going to do this with as well. So, if this is appropriate for a bump request I will be requesting for the others as well when I get them done.
Requesting bump for GreyWyvern Playing Card Set.Changes:PySol images converted to PNG.Created SVG images from oringinal PNGs.Cool. Thanks for the credit & sharing james.prc. Glad it was useful. I will check out your game. :)
Used the hat & sword to create a samurai for Stendhal:
Thank you very much DezrasDragons. Even though you don't required it, I listed your name & a link in our sources/credits. :)
The description states that there is a README file included in the download that has more information in it. My guess is that it would depend on what all you used. I believe that wulax created the outfits. So it may be that if you just use the outfit you only need to credit wulax. If you use the sprite bases as well, you would need to credit the author of those. But, I'm not 100% sure on that. Best to look through the README.