Only your imagination is the limit. Use these beautiful fantasy assets to create the game and share your story to the world. Any character can be the main character in this theme! Why not use a princess or a dragon as the main character to battle your way through this epic fantasy theme - Pixelantasy.
24 Assets in Total:
7 Characters with animations
- Sizes: 64x64 to 96x96 Pixels
- Walk, Run, Jump, Attack (different attack moves depending on character)
5 Weapons
5 Different Weapons:
- 2 Swords
- 1 Staff
- 1 Axe
- 1 Mace
Sizes: 32x23 to 48x48
5 Backgrounds
- Sizes: 1920x1080 and 2048x1536
1 Tile Set
- Sizes: 32x32 Pixels
9 Bonus assets
Sizes: 32x32 Pixels
1 – Golden Coin
1 - Treasure Chest
1 – Red Heart/Life
1 – Golden Key
1 – Blue Potion
1 – Red Potion
1 - Tombstone
2 - Projectiles - Fireball & Iceball

The GPL states: "You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the rights granted or affirmed under this License."
If the contents of the Copyright/Attribution Notice are meant to apply on top of the GPL then they are invalid.
If they are an alternative licening option then they should be fine but you should probably make that more clear.
Sorry about that Surt,
License info is now deleted :)
Thank you
Preview includes characters not in download, like medusa and orc. Are they available? If not, I'll extract them from preview image and publish as separate sprite sheet. Is that okay?
>See Included License file for Usage Terms
If the license is GPL, people may safely ignore this included file and "Sell, share, transfer, giveaway, sublicense or re-distribute the product in any way, shape or form. To distribute our free products you must use our marketplace links. "
Even if some included file excplicitly disallows that.
Yes indeed the poster contains characters form our complete them found on our main site. (mobilegamegraphics.com)
I will remove the Licene PDF and update the poster to only contain these characters.
Sorry about this, I'm fairly new to this community and rules, but am learning :)
Muy buenas creaciones
MobileGameGraphics submitter, can you send me a message or link that verifies you are the creator or owner of this art, and able to change the license originally specified in the .zip file?
Until then, I have to assume that the art cannot be relicensed without the original copyright owner's consent. As hosting the art here seems to break the stated rules of that custom license (e.g. dont' distritube the art anywhere except through links to our site).
Clint - We are the creators of this content as you can see on our main page
This is also a "how it's made video" on our youtube channel. The email on our account is also mobilegamegraphics.com
I have remove our own License file and also updated the poster to only contain the actual contents.
If you need additional verificaiton - what else would you like?
Thank you :)
Let us know if you create something nice and we might be able to post it on our website :)
Any response to my replies?
Thanks! I've cleared this for download again.
The floor environments/ tiles are perfect for my platformer, thank you!
The lisence means that these assets are free to use for a project for say the google play store? I just want to make sure that I understand what the lisence means with these assets. Do not want to get anyone in trouble including myself. Great assets though, I am looking forward to using them for a platformer project if thats okay.
Response below
I realise licenses tend to be confusing :) You are able to create a FREE game that users can be charged for. In the game you may of course have ads and IAP (In App Purchases)
Important note: the paid theme contains many more characters, backgrounds, weapons etc.
Feel free to contact us again if you have any more questions.
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I have used your artwork in a free to play Android game available at: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.devigncode.cantstopthehop.android
You have been credited as per instructions on our credits page here: http://devigncode.oo.gd/cant-stop-the-hop/Credits.html
Thanks for producing great artwork!
I've used it in a game I've recently published. Thanks!
Of course, you and other people are credited within the game (watch the video).
Just in case you want to have a look at it, this are the links: PC, Android