Turfwars - Pixel City Tile Set
Turfwars - Pixel City Tile Set
Friday, May 11, 2012 - 04:30
Art Type:
A long time ago I commissioned some pixel art for a project of mine called TurfWars. It has since become a 3D game so I thought I'd make the tile set available.
It's only a small set, but it should be enough to drive a small game or some concept work. All up there are 9 buildings (not all shown in preview), as well as several road variations.
Attribution Instructions:
Please credit original author and jnamobile.com.

Why have you titled and tagged this as isometric when it clearly isn't and you even state such?
It is a parallel projection, not isometric, but an oblique projection.
Mainly history, the work was originaly spec'd and comissioned as isometric art but after discussion was adjusted. However misleading the title is the title of the project as commissioned.
Adjusted for clarity.
Aw, it's not pixel art. Really nice tiny buildings though.
Not sure what "Sharm" is seeing, but these definitely are pixel art.
really great work. Can u add more like this?