Recycle items set
Recycle items set
Saturday, August 22, 2015 - 18:11
Art Type:
Here are some pixel art items I made for a game about recycling. Uses the DB32 palette.
Contains 16 objects:
Metal objects: small tuna can, large steel can, red soda can
Glass objects: green soda bottle, brown root beer bottle, mason jar
Paper objects: cardboard box, newspaper, brown bag
Plastic objects: water bottle, milk jug, laundry soap bottle
Other objects: polystyrene foam cup, greasy pizza box, ceramic coffee mug, pressurized spray can
Made for my game Recycle Sorter.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Recycle items art by Clint Bellanger

Thank you
Great art keep up the good work :D
Nice! Thanks
Es un trabajo genial
Great!! Thanks!! Can you share too the dumpster, trash, and belt elements? Thanks!!
Awesome. Are these okay to use on my project if I credit you?
Anonamix, yes you can use this. The main requirement of using CC-BY licensed art is to attribute the original artist. So your credits can say something like "recycle icons by Clint Bellanger" or "additional art by Clint Bellanger".
Great. Thank you for sharing,
Is it ok for me to use these items in my game with some little modification (to fit the game) and credit you?
Do I need to clarify which part I modified in the credit session?
Thank you very much.
Today Is Jimmy...
I appreciate you asking! Yes you can make derivatives of these icons and use them in your game. In the credits you can say something like "original item icons by Clint Bellanger". Or your credits might have a section "additional creative commons art by:" and you can just list my name.
Note that all of the CC-BY licensed works here on OpenGameArt allow for these kind of modifications with credit.
Hope this helps! Post a link to your game here when it's ready to try!
Thank you!
No problem, I will share the game here when it is finish. Thank you again for your art. :)
You are great! Thanks for help us with this art! Ta-ta-ta, we can build nice game. ^_^
I used this art in my small indie game, Open Ocean (Coming to Steam 6/11/19):
Thank you!
Hello Clint Bellanger!
I have used your art in my game KIWAYA. (and credited you in game)
It's an action exploration game: shoot your way through stones and bugs with several different weapons.
Good luck!
This looks absolutely delightful! The vibes are immaculate and the way you shade these is so pleasant and delighting to the eyes. Great job!
-Interesting, can be used at shooting range with rifle, for example Baiden holdem on .ss and Putin take`em by Makarov. Thanks, I really enjoyed this though, very funny idea for game. :)
Hi, are these items free to use?
Nice work! :)
Thanks in advance !
Hi Clint, i made a game for my company, where we have to sort out defective bottles/containers. i used your sprite as a base for a good container. i uploaded all the other sprites i used in the game for defective bottles, wrong labels, spots etc.
would that credits screen fit your wished? all three are clickable links
thanks for providing the sprites!