50 MIDI Tunes
50 MIDI Tunes
Tuesday, February 7, 2012 - 17:06
Art Type:

Varied genres--a few compositions dating back to '99! Some are stinkers, but hey, I was a teen when I wrote them. Hopefully you'll find something you like! OGG renderings were run through the SoundFont "Chorium Rev A."
Copyright/Attribution Notice:

Do I need to have a specific set of soundfonts to play these properly?
Any GM SoundFont should sound fine.
There's 1:31:52.927 of music in this.
download is not working for some reason
DOZO from the irc found the problem, it is the apostrophe in your name causing problems with the redirect. replace ' with a ' when clicking on the url as it is
Changed the file name. Link works now. You'll just have to imagine the apostrophe.
I ended up using many of these tunes in my random dungeon game The Endless Dungeons, and credited you as writing the soundtrack. Thank you very much for the great tunes. https://sourceforge.net/projects/endlessdungeons/
Fantastic stuff!
Working on a little game which suits some of these tunes really nicely. Will message you once it's finished.
Wow, these are great. The preview doesn't do this pack justice. There is so much awesome stuff in there. I especially like Body Count, Fable, Mountain Man and Plateau.
I know you submitted these a lifetime ago, but could you add OGG rendered versions from your setup?
I'd love to use some of these for a web game I'm making, but browsers don't support MIDI playback. I tried rendering them myself but some of the sounds come out a bit poo on my device.
Sure, Arcanorum. Give me a little while and I'll have an update for you--more tracks, all rendered with the same SoundFont in OGG.
edit: Um, I underestimated the amount of work that needed to be done. It's happening! I promise. Coincidentally, spring break starts in May. So I'll have more time on my hands very soon. I'd like to redo some of the instrumentation, and there are 75 tracks to fiddle with.
Sorry for the delay. I thought I'd release something you can use. OGGs are up. New tracks and improved instrumentation are WIP, and will have to wait. A messy breakup has left me... distracted.
Love the music! I wanted to let you know I'm planning on using this in my RPG I'm going to release next month on Google Play and have added you to the credits. Once I get the game posted there I can send a link, just let me know. Thanks!
It took me a little longer than I thought, but I finally finished it and published it to Google Play. Here it is!
I also published it to Amazon appstore as well if you have that; just search for "Eternal Concord".
I hope you like it, and thanks again!
I used 4 of your songs in my game for js13k 2020. They will sound fairly different from the originals. I extracted the song data and remapped the tracks to new instruments in my tiny synth.
Thank you for releasing a great .mid song package. There is not nearly enough people doing that. .mid isn't just for classical music.
Thanks for your great music! MIDI music is relativly rare. I'm using "Tokyo.mid" in my Snake/Worm/Slither game, with the working title "Neon Worm". It's not yet finished but I made a Youtube video of the gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbcBSFmxsvs
Thanks for the music! I am using short parts of Valentine #1 and Mountain Man (one instrument, modified for beeps and boops) in Good Boy... just very hungry, my Nokia 3310 Jam gamejam entry.
the file won't open.
@ShadowTrait: Both files open just fine for me. What version of 7-zip are you using?
There is a lot of music here! Thanks so much for it, and for the generous licensing!