2d lost Garden tileset transition to Jetrel's Wood tileset
2d lost Garden tileset transition to Jetrel's Wood tileset
Saturday, October 20, 2012 - 05:44
Art Type:
- 32x32 Fantasy Tiles
- Art used in Dusk Graphical MUD
- Best Orthogonal (rectangular) Tilesets for Tilemaps
- Billys Revenge artwork
- D-RPG (Art/Music Assets)
- LPC Compatible Terrain/Tiles
- Non-Commercial - Art
- Terrain transitions
- Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Art Collection
- Tower Defense Art
- Ultimate TableTop
- Used in Hero of Allacrost
- Used in Valyria tear
Bertram requested some transition tiles to go with the Wood tileset so we could mix the two. Check that out on the right side of the screenshot.
The wood tileset was made by Jetrel and I made the new water variations and the variations to merge both tilesets together.
I got the new water from here
Thanks to Bertram for finding the source.
These tiles will be put to good use by Bertram on his game "Valyria tear" which is a Hero of Allacrost fork.
I also plan to put these tiles to good use on this game project I'm helping with called "Dusk"
Attribution Instructions:
Credit goes to Jetrel, Daniel Cook, Bertram and Zabin

Wow! =}D
You simply made my day, Zabin!
I'll use all that magnificent work right away.
A sincere and warm thanks since you made me won a ton of time with quality work.
Best regards,
Thanks for the complement Bertram :-] I'll add more variations to these tilesets eventually.
I was thinking of working on making the castle for your castle_exterior next because that would pretty much complete all the tiles you need for your game.
That would be awesome. :)
Reminds me to put you in the credits. ;)
Hey Bertram :-]
I made 2 smaller versions of the big tree and a new bush. I also changed the dark green that didn't look right in my new water tiles and moved the house down so I have room to finish the roof tiles. I'll probally have this tileset filled with variations in a week or so.
I added your grass to grass variation and added you to the attribution instructions.
The 2 trees only took about 1 hour each to make because I just used free select to copy parts of the big tree and paste it together over a outline of a smaller tree. The bush actually took me alot longer since I had to draw all new leaves. Is it too bright? I used the pallet colors from the tree. I might try doing some re-colorations on the bush.
Hey Zabin,
Congrats for the work, the two new tree and the changes made to the water (it is the water border which is dark green, right?) are actually good improvements/addtions :)
If you're ok with it, I'll use them to make the forest less uniform, and add the same variations to them as I did for the bigger tree.
If the house is annoying you, we might have to separate it from the rest, as it will need much more work to be useable anyway.
Thanks a lot for the job done, mate. :)
EDIT: I think the brush looks too bright somehow because there is now shading on it aka the violet bottom right part seen on the tree's leaves.
Hi Bertram,
I was hoping you'd make the same variations as you did with the big tree. I'm glad you like them. Looking forward to seeing you use them :)
I was planning to finish the house soon-ish and it'll be good practice as I've never drew houses before.
Thanks for your input on the bush, I thought it might be too bright. I'll try and darken it up some whenever I get time. Maybe adding the violet shading like the trees on the bottom right like you said will make it fit in better. I meant to do that while drawing it but got lazy.
Edit; Oh yeah talking about shading I added shade to the ground under the medium tree. I don't know if it's even necessary (I haven't tested it yet) I should probally erase it because the trees already have shading with violet.
Ah ok, I'll wait a bit more before upgrading that one then. Thanks a LOT for the work done! :)
I love the leaves on the trees. I think the tree bark needs work, though. I think the transition to dark blues looks a little odd, too, but I guess it depends on what you're using the art in.
hi, i use your work for my game.
play it here https://raassh.itch.io/tanks-war
Hi, I added some transitions from rock to grass. Use
freely!under the same license as above