Simerion tiles and images
Simerion tiles and images
Date: 09, June 2012
Released on
This archive holds images from the web browser video game I made with friends between 2005 and 2009, called Simerion.
We used to find the game at the following urls: /
The game will close / has closed in July 2012. But you can still find some information on my website here:
I thought it would be so sad to loose all those images and tiles I made back in the day when I was young and fool :D ! So I decided to release them under Creative Commons Licenses
I hope my images will have a second life in future video games. Just mention my work if you use it, and I would even be glad to know they live again !
I made most of the tiles myself. However other people helped me to create some images here. Yet I got their autorization to publish them. *If* I ever made any mistake releasing images which are not my own work, please contact me. Enjoy !
Yoann Sculo
Email: yoann.sculo @ gmail .com
Twitter : @yoannsculo
Website :
The 926 images of this archive are under two Creative Commons licenses. I give you the choice between :
CC BY 3.0 - Licence Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 France and CC BY 3.0 - Licence Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
You are free :
1. To Share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work. 2. to Remix - to adapt the work. 3. To make commercial use of the work.

This is a great pack and the preview does not do justice to it :)
I added tags and another preview image.
Is characters/0008 is original? It looks like a "photo found on the internet" and isn't pixel art.
Oh, thanks for the preview picture !
You're right, it is much better with it :)
And ... my bad, even with multiple checks, there is a mistake with the characters/0008 image. I'm removing it and releasing a new .zip archive right away.
May I use your preview image to promote my tileset on my blog ? Or I can make an other one.
Of course you can! It's all your graphics after all :)
I tried making one without the text labels but "montage" apparently was stuck in an endless loop and "feh" didn't allow to disable them despite what it says in the manual.
Ok thanks, I'll try a small script to build one without labels after work :) If it takes me too much time, I'll use your preview :)
These are great. Thanks!
PS: thanks for taking the licensing serious! :)
Awesoem! =)
Thanks a LOT
These graphics were incredibly useful at a Berlin game jam yesterday!
Here's a preview:
I will upload the set soon to OGA.
Woot ! Nice ! This is very cool to know it helped !
I can't wait to see more ;) What kind of game is it ? Some kind of cow world with vampires ? Interesting :D
Here's the game with lin/win/osx binaries:
Wha ! This is awesome ! I love the idea, and the sounds :)
Thanks I wanted a compehensive tile set for some basic learning on how to do Isometric games, this will help.
Someone said on a libertarian blog that you can't do free market politics because you can't do sim city with tax level set to zero. I think that may be fun to challenge that Idea in a game like this. But I can't write code to save my life and don't know much in the way of useful programming :( In other words I know the economics but shouldn't be doing the game. Wish me luck I'll need it.
Why are there 9 pairs of undies?
Wesleybruce> :) Actually our image database was directly linked to specific ingame objects. So, this is because we had several kind of underwears :P Sometimes there were very rare to find ! ;)
I didn't have the time to process the whole collection to remove duplicates.
woah.. just discovered this...
This is wonderful! thank you for making this free! I'm gonna use it in my new game secret revealed. :)
This tileset is great! It was really helpful in a recent isometric Rpg game I made. It is available on here:
What a wonderful tileset, thanks for releasing it!
I am using it in a project and will provide attribution when it is released and post back here.
I am also animating some of the objects; I animated one of the rocks that is meant to sit on top of water and uploaded the frames as a package here: