Simerion tiles and images

Simerion tiles and images


Date: 09, June 2012

Released on

This archive holds images from the web browser video game I made with friends between 2005 and 2009, called Simerion.

We used to find the game at the following urls: /

The game will close / has closed in July 2012. But you can still find some information on my website here:

I thought it would be so sad to loose all those images and tiles I made back in the day when I was young and fool :D ! So I decided to release them under Creative Commons Licenses

I hope my images will have a second life in future video games. Just mention my work if you use it, and I would even be glad to know they live again !

I made most of the tiles myself. However other people helped me to create some images here. Yet I got their autorization to publish them. *If* I ever made any mistake releasing images which are not my own work, please contact me. Enjoy !


Yoann Sculo
Email: yoann.sculo @ gmail .com
Twitter : @yoannsculo
Website :


The 926 images of this archive are under two Creative Commons licenses. I give you the choice between :

CC BY 3.0 - Licence Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 France and CC BY 3.0 - Licence Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

You are free :

1. To Share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work. 2. to Remix - to adapt the work. 3. To make commercial use of the work.

File(s): 4.4 Mb [5742 download(s)]