Dirt Platformer Tiles
Dirt Platformer Tiles
Saturday, April 13, 2013 - 19:09
Art Type:
Just a few tiles that should work for a Metroidvania game, both above and underground. It should work pretty well with Jetrel's Castle Platformer even thought the tiles are a different size. If any minor tweaks are needed to make it work in the game like editing it down to 16x16 or adding one or two new tiles let me know in the comments.
Attribution Instructions:
Please credit Lanea Zimmerman

Sky is amazing with so few tiles.
Aw, thanks! I think the tiling would be more obvious on a larger screen, but I'm really happy with how it turned out. I love the night sky.
These tiles are really great. Any chance you'd be interested in making additions (props, objects, and additional tiles) for a special project?
These are really nice work.
More importantly, these are really generic, widely-useable work that'll fit oodles of different games - exactly what OGA needs. Great stuff!
Gosh, thank you very much! You're an artist that I highly respect. I've been following your work and trying to learn from it so that means a lot to me.
I'd actually love to see these in a 16x16 version (for purely selfish reasons, of course), but they're pretty phenomenal as is. Great work!
Hi @Sharm!
I reused the stars you made in a battle background for Valyria Tear, and now it seems to be causing a little licensing trouble (sorry again for this stupid mistake of mine):
May I request you to license the stars (and only the stars) to GPLv2? Otherwise I'll have to remove those from the background.
I you want, that's no big deal, but I wanted to ask. :)
Best regards,
Anholt is wrong, this isn't SA, it's just CC-By. It shouldn't be causing you problems. I don't want to release my art in a way that credit is not required.
Hi again,
Thanks a lot for the quick answer!
I'll forward it to him.
Best regards,
Oops, I did make a mistake in noting your license. I hope I can be forgiven in that I've been going through a *lot* of content verifying the licensing. And I totally understand requiring attribution.
I'm not a lawyer, but my understanding is that CC-BY-3 content can't be used in works derived under the GPLv2+. This comes from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html saying that CC-BY-2 is definitely incompatible, and the wiki prepping for CC4 saying "it would really be nice to be unidirectionally GPLv3-compatible, because CC-BY and CC-BY-SA aren't currently", neither of which specifically answers the combination of GPLv2+ and CC-BY-3. I suspect, though, that if there was new GPL compatibility as of CC3, there would have been a lot more fanfare (like there was for the ability to mix CC-BY-3 with CC-BY-SA-3).
It's incompatible with the *software* license, but you're not using it to license the software, just the artwork. My understanding is that the software can have a different license than the artwork as long as the rules for both are followed. This is why BY-SA is a problem because it's a bit fuzzy on whether or not the programming has to use the same license. General consensus is that it doesn't. Could someone who knows licensing correct me if I'm wrong on this? The real point is whether or not I'm okay with the way this is being used regardless of license. All I care about is that I get credit for my work. Edit, use it in a commercial game, I don't care. I won't sue you for using it in a GPL licensed game. If you need a special email or something giving you permission to use it that way, that's fine.
Hi again,
I've taken the habit to give credits even when taking CC0 work. So, be sure you're credited for the work done, and if you're not for anything you did, it's a mistake on my own that I'll fix gladly. :)
Now, I wonder whether your answer suits anholt so we can fix/precise the licensing info and move on.
Best regards,
Yeah, everyone involved in FSF, CC, and content creators appears to agree that we (usually) want to interpret the combination of software and art as aggregation and thus being compatible In this case, though, we're talking about a composite of your art with someone else's GPLv2+ art in a single .png file, which I think we'd agree is a derived work of both art sources.
Hey! Just wanted to say that I used your art in my Ludum Dare entry.
Please feel free to check it out!
Your art specifically shows up in the 'Street Instinct' micro game.
Thank you very much for this work. The night sky and the moon a pretty good-looking, so I used them on my free Android game. I gave you credit on the info/credts screen inside my game. If you want to have a look, I pass you the link here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=phij.games.NeoRunner
Thank you again for such amazing work, best regards!
I love it!
Amazing !! Thx for sharing ;)
Hey there,
I'll be using this in a game prototype for a Game Incubator program called "Pixelles" based in Montreal. I'll make sure to credit your awesome work but it won't be used commercially.
I love the color scheme in this, just perfect for the look of the *only* level I'll have time to do haha.
Nice tiles! I'm using the background in my game ok? http://gamejolt.com/games/the-journey/195229
A question, can I generate profit using these tiles? With ads on the site?
A very nice tiles ,can be use for commercial 2d games ??
Hey, i just read the comments about licenses and stuff so now i'm kind of wondering if i'm allowed to use this. Do i need to give credit and then everything is fine, or do i need to do something else like fill some sort of paper somewhere or something?
I would be using this in a platformer that i am making.
Yes, just give credit. CC-By might also require you to include a file with the license or link to it or something, but I don't know for sure and honestly I don't care if you do or not.