Golden UI

Golden UI


This is an extension to my previous piece (not included)

As you might have guessed, it is a collection of miscellaneous and/or RPG-specific UI elements in that style.

The title in the banner is not referred to any game in particular, it was just something to fill the empty hole in the menu preview :) Included it in the download file, anyway.

Since pieces are pretty small, I'd personally recommend upscaling them 2x (size of the preview).

NOTE: the fonts used in the banner, window titles and small texts are not included (drawn just for dimonstrational purposes). I'm available to make them if anyone specifically needs.

I'm also available to draw additional pieces on request (preferably paid commissions).

EDIT: a higher-res version of this interface is available here:

(PSD file included)

Attribution Instructions: 
NOT REQUIRED, though appreciated: credit me as Buch and link back to my OGA profile page
ui.psd ui.psd 573.1 Kb [12806 download(s)]
ui_split.png ui_split.png 21.7 Kb [18825 download(s)]