The hunt for the lost rainbow jewels

The hunt for the lost rainbow jewels

Varkalandar's picture

The rainbow jewels which give the world the colors have been abduced from the temple of the rainbow colors! The world will brelach out to gray if you can't retrieve the jewels in time.

This is more or less the background story for my current RPG project. It will be an action RPG, inspired by games like Diablo and Diablo II, a crossover of roguelikes and realtime games. It's open source, and at some point I'll need help with artwork, particulary item artwork - that's why I registered here, but I want to wait a while longer before actively asking for help.

I've published some of my art here, and the project uses some item art from here, too.

A few previews of the temple and a dungeon area:

Temple of the rainbow colors



Dungeon Preview


Item Preview

Currently I'm in the progress of designing the game world, and also some more graphics for the game. I'm particulary bad at armor graphics though, so if you know where to get free armor artwork (body armor, helmets, gloves, boots), please let me know. Body armor needs to be about 64x96 pixels, helmets, gloves and botos will be 64x64, more or less. Downscaling larger images isn't a problem. I've tried to search this site, but my search-fu wasn't strong enough to find something appropriate.