Transparent Bubble (Soap Bubble)
Transparent Bubble (Soap Bubble)
Thursday, March 19, 2015 - 19:47
Art Type:
Bubble without any background. 512x512 .psd and .png

Bubble without any background. 512x512 .psd and .png
There is no .PNG attached!!??
When I opened the attached .psd it appeared red, not like in the picture. :/
The red layer seems to be just for demonstration of the transparency. Hiding the black background layer as well as "layer 1" under the bubble group is all it takes to replicate the preview image.
Added. sorry about that.
Thank you for the materials. Just wanna let you know that I use it in my e-book: How I get Tricked By Unity (On Amazon). I have provided a link in the book to this asset. I purposely register this account to say thanks.
:) your comment made my day.
Good luck for your book.