$100 Micro Grant for Free/Libre Asset Creation
$100 Micro Grant for Free/Libre Asset Creation
Saturday, September 17, 2016 - 00:23
Hey everybody!
I'm doing an experiment in funding by providing a monthly $100 "micro grant" to incentivize free/libre work creation.
If you have some work that you're thinking about releasing but haven't or want some small money to help motivate you to release free/libre work (either here on OGA or somewhere else), please consider applying!
For completeness, here is the URL: http://mechaelephant.com/microgrant
Please let me know if you have any comments, suggestions or questions!
--Medicine Storm
I immediatly thought of Surt or Kenny. Not because they would work so cheaply but because they always donate great art. It would be nice if they got a little something for it once and awhile. Im sure there are others that are deserving as well.
surt was the one who suggested I post here (over from TIG forums: https://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=57938.0). I'm not sure it's something surt would want to participate in but I am a big fan.
I also imagine Kenney is not someoe who would benefit from such a small amount of money but I'm also a big fan.
I have difficulty enough motivating to create already without introducing the ugliness of money.
I was thinking of Buch, he's already got a patreon so he can't hate money too much and like you he seems to favour zelda-style stuff.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Just wanted to leave you a nice comment for such a noble cause. It's rare that people want to throw in money where free art, code etc. is concerned. OGA is a great community and I am sure you will find someone you will be able to support with some extra motivation. So... have a really nice day ;)
kudos to all the creative people on here and everywhere ;)
2DPIXX - Game Art and Design by Jana Ochse
Website: http://2dpixx.de
Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/2dpixx
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/2dpixx
@surt: Thanks for suggesting me, but I have been publishing very little during the last year, and I believe this will probably go on for another couple of years of so. Other stuff - mostly university - is keeping me very busy. Thus, I don't think it would be fair and appropriate to accept money. To be fair, since you mentioned it, I have also been considering to quit my Patreon campaign for the same reasons as above.
The first microgrant has been dispersed! Congratulations to @Maruki whose published some previous artwork right here on OpenGameArt.
For all those that applied, thank you! I'll keep everyones application under consideration for subsequent grants in the coming months. I encourage everyone who has an interest to apply (or apply again) and tell anyone else who might be interested.
I've udpated the $100 micro grant with this months dispersal information and created an email subscription list for anyone interested in updates.
Feedback is always welcome!